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  1. lcf

    partnership program

    congrats on choosing macquarie (don't know if i am allowed to say that being a first year and all - but i love it here!) i think you could sent a letter in the post - a friend got it - they would probably call you too. Tried applying for a SAM scholarship too?
  2. lcf

    Which one....

    all the laptop people who sit around the edge i presume - also on the second level there are copm labs (you can seem them from the stairs) plus that random comp lab along towards the back on the ground floor
  3. lcf

    WebCT discussion boards

    So you are saying if you were anonoymous, you would go on a bitch fest??? It would tempt me haha
  4. lcf

    MAQ Mid Semester Holidays!

    he's on my msn - i don't think he loves me anymore *sniffle*
  5. lcf

    WebCT discussion boards

    in ARTS100 Guy Morrow was slayed, he had a witty reply, then deleted the offending threads. One thing that amuses me is the discussion boards on TurnItIn - they are always empty- I guess acuse turnitin is such a bitch - you just want to get in, do your business, get out.
  6. lcf

    MAQ Mid Semester Holidays!

    What are you all doing in the two week 'study' *cough* break? For me, hang out sometimes, work on my presentations + media essay and eat copious amounts of foooooooood
  7. lcf

    Conception Day '06!!!!!11

    Or those open day ponchos - just imagine the sound - hundreds of people, moshing in those - SWOOOSH SWIIISH SWOOOSh SWIIIISSHHHH
  8. lcf

    The Macquarie Birthday Thread

    happy birthday :)
  9. lcf

    Got a few minutes? Lynny needs your help! :)

    i saw rabbits when i was enrolling this year. they were giving me all the info i needed, and telling me stuff, but i glanced out the window and lost focus - until they turned aroudn and watched too.
  10. lcf

    Desk Shortage Video + Law Revue Videos

    glad you enjoy :)
  11. lcf

    MQ Open Day

    IT WAS SO MUCH FUN even though Rob disapproved :p so stuffed with food - and I finally caught Mike after 7 months of being on campus woo! The rain just got too much sometimes though - it was hectic! Funniest part of the day was my friend saying 'yo what's up dude! hey cool purple shirt' -...
  12. lcf

    MQ Open Day

    lol - i only go for the clean statues ;)
  13. lcf

    Got a few minutes? Lynny needs your help! :)

    a) At uni, I just can't figure out why ___________________________ the big lecture theatres have no wireless access in them -_- b) Something about uni I've always wanted to know is _____________________ what Level 4 of the library looks like - the Mary Thompson room or something? c)...
  14. lcf

    MQ Open Day

    hmm - i guess so but i would be telling people i love macquarie, they might think i have a very strong physicsal relationship with the uni - not good
  15. lcf

    Conception Day '06!!!!!11

    my music class gets cancelled for it so - conception day works for me i guess. but on after thoughts, i love my music class! then again, culture should be fun if anyone was to do anythign stupid
  16. lcf

    MQ Open Day

    i will be taking a camera wit me to snap all my friends and new people I meet. It will be in my pocket though which is annoying - it has a tendancy to slide round to the front when walking and being a guy.... and all.... doesn't look so good :eep:
  17. lcf

    Law Revue

    unfortunately i can't make it to the performances -_- flat out on cultural studies and other commitments :( *sniffle* Good luck though!
  18. lcf

    Law Revue

    a guuy looking at me with puppy dogs eyes - that's a new experience :s Moan in the first dance? Is this a video I have made or something in the actual show? And that UGLY is an actual song by Daphne and Celleste (spelling)
  19. lcf

    The MQ BOSers you ran into today...

    i saw lynn yesterday (albeit on sandie's screen) i was like she looks familiar :confused: then i saw a fairy pink star wand thing - GLITTERFAAAIIIRRRRYYYYYY ahahaha I've seen you in 2D now!
  20. lcf

    Law Revue

    Oi don't dissing my cameraness!!! (i think i am filming it all tonight or tomorrow I have no idea - i'll make you u.g.l.y so you have no alibi! ARRRRR)