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  1. lcf

    Exam Munchies

    how would they react to a steak dinner? :P The only thing that would annoy me, would be people with lousy eating habits - ie, a few rows away you can hear them trying to chew/swallow at max volume - eww And for fat/shiny PB - generally a comment about those middle aged men with pot...
  2. lcf

    Opinions sass and bide

    wow so expensive! i'm with asylum on this one *crawls back to not understanding fashion*
  3. lcf

    Is this really fair, especially around exam time?

    In E6A (comp area) there are tables/chairs in tge foyer - you could try there - however on the flip side, it really does annoy people who want to use their laptops there, and all the spots are taken up with people just eating lunch or not using a laptop.
  4. lcf

    Exam Munchies

    last night at 4am i ended up having a cheesy melt bread thing in the sandwhich toaster - i seem to study better at night - everyone is asleep and the house is quiet - so i know i won't be interupted, so i study more in depth - random My eating habits are totally out now - breakfast at 2/3pm...
  5. lcf

    Exam Munchies

    I just had an IM from a friend 'Do you think there would be any MacDonalds open atm?' This arrived just as I was demolishing a pack of Jubes (my fav 'brain endurance' food) What do you like to eat when you are studying/cramming/proof reading really tedious essays? I just find chewing away on...
  6. lcf

    A history lesson on Macquarie

    ahhh *warm feeling towards uni* despite it being so cold and me awake procrastinating over an essay grrr but Macquarie *warrrrm* essay *cold* *sleeeeep*
  7. lcf

    I just kicked someone's crap off a tableeeee!!!

    Could make it even worse by getting a spruiker (middle aged woman in black business suit and far too much make up) standing there - Hello and welcome to the library. Today we have a nice special on some Sony VAIOs, a few Apple iBooks and one Compaq laptop - all crafted in beuatiful plastic, they...
  8. lcf

    I just kicked someone's crap off a tableeeee!!!

    People who leave their laptops/PDAs/mobiles and other portable electronics on tables, alone - astounds me. SALE SALE SALE! It all must go!
  9. lcf

    MQers - when do you become a graduate?

    end of 2008 for B Media Screen Production part way through 2009 for BA Contemporary music and hopefully 2010/2011 if i get honours :D
  10. lcf

    I just kicked someone's crap off a tableeeee!!!

    ROFL very good!!! If the going gets tough, bring a fold up picnic table/chair set - I would love to see the staffs reaction to random pockets of people on brightly coloured plastic furniture.
  11. lcf

    Stupid/Funny MQ quotes

    CUL100 Lecture - Goldie Osuri, from memory week 1 or 2 OK, i am going to turn the lights down now so that this green looks less like shit (in indian accent - referring to the projected image looking crap cause of the fluro lighting) *later in that lecture about colours* White in Australia is...
  12. lcf

    The meaning behind your avatar

    nice cammy when i read about the people coming in from outside of 'club mac' i just had this image of an irate southern american farmer standing in E7B shooting non-MQ people - get off my dang uni!!! i think i need sleep:sleep:
  13. lcf

    I just kicked someone's crap off a tableeeee!!!

    The only problem i can see with photocopies and foriegn students is they might not be bothered to read it cause it could be quite hard to decipher if your english is no good.
  14. lcf

    The meaning behind your avatar

    Yes, another procrastination thread! What is the meaning behind the choice of your avatar? For me, it is the FCP logo - and since I do media and like videos, it is kind of fitting :P
  15. lcf

    fire drill

    I saw it happen to - yet people were still freely walking between E5A and E7B on that suspended walk way, whilst everyone else was standing outside shivering in the cold :S weird...
  16. lcf

    Umbrella Thief

    I enjoy watchign the people who have their massive umbrellas up, even when it is not raining - or those who insist on keeping it up under long stretches of undercover areas - ie along the SAM building near the newsagent etc Funny :P
  17. lcf

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    I have given up for now *sniff* Determined to use the 5 week period between semesters to get healthier :D - at least i won't have study as an excuse for not going out for walks or excerising haha
  18. lcf

    MUS100 Stress

    Ok This is my little thread for those who know that MUS100 is going to be a pretty easy exam f you know your terms, but you can't help but stres but cause it is a uni exam (not to mention my first uni eam) Any tips for calomin gdown - I know I am going to do alright - just nervous as...
  19. lcf

    It is that time of the semester.....

    I saw someone leave their HP unattended around the SAM bar eating area - how stupid can you get. I was so tempted to lock their laptop down with my kensington security cable. Just seeing their face as they come back, their laptop safe and sound - yet non removable would be priceless hehe - but I...
  20. lcf

    MACQ ... first thing that comes to your head when u think of BOS members

    Hehehe - no i am a media/music student - but i am heavily into computers :P