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  1. M


    yeah i still think u can use voluntary intoxication as a partial defence (at the time of my notes) as the mens rea may not be able to be proved, that the guilty mind was not present but rather an accident or something along those lines. However, law reform has attempted to overturn this as a...
  2. M


    id just like to say well done on maintaining this forum...... mate..... ur 2001 census work was pretty good i thort in answering the social change question....... had a bit of trouble and then remembered ur post wat do u rekon an acceptable answer was coz the syllabus never specifically...
  3. M

    Unusally Hard?

    yeah i agree with wat most ppl have sed as well the short answers were ok on the most part i thort apart from a few like social change..... like u read the syllabus and its not even there..... no1 new wat that stuff was and seriously i dont blame them at all...... BOS should have been...
  4. M

    social change?

    my teacher was unsure too......... it really depended upon ur interpretation of social change...... the syllabus doesnt really mention the specific term 'social change' he was saying - superbirds points( view past posts) OR as i and many other did highlight how social change in...
  5. M

    Who applied 4 cadet this yr?

    my mate got one
  6. M

    the 2 unit re exam is outta?

    does ne1 no wat the 2 unit paper is out of if so could u tell me thanks in advance snapperhead nice syllabus for media btw!
  7. M

    What are your focus studies?

    i do family and shelter isnt too bad actually
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    Mock HSC Exam

    thanks for those answers
  9. M

    Mock HSC Exam

    thanks townie, its a solid paper which is helpful could i ask a favour tho....... would u mind puttin up the MC answers and a framework for s/A n crime........ but more importantly the MC..... townie thanks for the paper and ur help!
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    General Maths Paper Q23. c)

    em i was just gonna say after lookin over the paper the easiest question of the paper and i drop a mark on it it was 5/2 with a rough answer on 6 like ppl have been sayin
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    General Maths Paper Q23. c)

    em i got the same used the englarment ratio thinga nd got 4.05
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    Mutliple Choice Answers!

    i think not that bright has just about settled it for my liking and i think similiar to me will see both A and C are right. Stilla in no way was i trying to downgrade the validity of A or ur argument....... i thort it was very valid, i even A had it as my first answer........... but yeah i...
  13. M

    Mutliple Choice Answers!

    i see the merits of both answers and am still inclined to go with C based on the syllabus but stilla it would be a good option for u to see how people get C rather than A and accept that the level of conjecture is huge about this question so both arguments must have a substantial level of...
  14. M

    Mutliple Choice Answers!

    cro angel for that question i hope ur argument is wrong and we both get the mark for putting C. they state that the interpersonal role involves positive agreement and co operation of workers. Includes consultation so they consulted the workers for the response. i rekon we see if the bos...
  15. M

    Mutliple Choice Answers!

    for Q 1...... I think that the management would have liased with the two stakeholders, hence used the LIASION skill of the role of INTERPERSONAL which resolved the dispute, hence making it C as opposed to A for the SWOT question id throw up B and D 16 and 17 anyones guess..... id guess...
  16. M

    Mutliple Choice Answers!

    Students learn about: the nature of management • the importance of effective management • management roles – interpersonal, informational, decisional • skills of management – people skills, strategic thinking, vision, flexibility and adaptability to change, self-managing, teamwork...
  17. M

    Mutliple Choice Answers!

    id say 1 is C as decision making is a skill of management as the roles are 1 informational 2 interpersonal 3 decisional- the decisional role includes the skill of decision making but INTERPERSONAL involves management reconciling conflicts of interests within the business and employers...
  18. M

    The 2004 HSC - English Paper 1

    hey im just gonna say that i think this paper wasnt too bad and really is a better reflection of the skills of candidates in the hsc than modules. like modules theres options within options and like 10+ texts per module..... its a real difficult way at describing how we have gone wen the...
  19. M

    Westta Paper

    yeah the wessta paper is very very poor. my teacher who marked mine wen i did it as paractice sed it was very poorly worded and hence not really suitable. she sed ppl would never see such shocking questions esp. the wordin of extended responses. do past hscs or cssa or isa trials Maka
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    Sor Cssa Trial 2004

    to the ethics q.... we were told that u use bioethics as an example of how ethical guidance is given even if not specifically asked. would anyone be able to post the RITES and SACRED WRITINGS questions from the cssa trial. Thanks