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    photoreceptor cells

    damn strait :wave: LOLOLOLOLOLOLO
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    photoreceptor cells

    lololololololololololololololololololololololo good call bacilli
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    photoreceptor cells

    no, what you want you little fucking slug is for someone else to do your homework for you. salam, salim salami, fuck you
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    UAC APPLICATIONS (2009 Entry)

    Re: UAC APPLICATIONS OPEN (2009 Entry) they were open yesterday morning lolz, i would know since my application was lodged whateva
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    lolz mind fuck
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    B. Science ----> B. Medical Science or Pharmacy

    What's your UAI? PM if you appreciate your privacy
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    photoreceptor cells

    Fair enough. I'll type you up a PDF document within the next few days providing you with enough information so that you can derive the answers to your questions. When is the assignment due saram?
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    UAC APPLICATIONS (2009 Entry)

    Re: UAC APPLICATIONS OPEN (2009 Entry) It appears UAC are conducting site maintenance. The apply by web feature will be back up soon. There's bound to be some issues considering they opened applications this morning. Hang tight, kids ;)
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    UAC APPLICATIONS (2009 Entry)

    Applications now open Applications for 2009 admissions are now open. To apply, click Apply-By-Web
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    photoreceptor cells

    helpin out aye? you're essentially asking some one here to do your homework for you you wanted assistance so i provided that with the link btw i'll post where evr the fuck i please
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    Doing all Three Science?

    do you like the sciences? keen interest i mean
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    photoreceptor cells look around on their site, it's called research
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    Google unveils Street View across Australia

    it's a violation if you ask me, but i'm only saying that because at the time the image of my house was taken I had my wang-dang-fang hanging out the window... weak kidnz
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    B. Science ----> B. Medical Science or Pharmacy

    medical science does not require two years of tertiary study, only 1 year doesn't matter if your uai is shit, they do not consider it when selecting applicants to b med science... they consider your applicantion based on your tertiary results
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    B. Science ----> B. Medical Science or Pharmacy

    yes yes yes in both respects my answer is accurate, pharmacy n med sci aint no walk in the park kids - lots of chem, bio smath n specialist subjects (heavy workload; even heavier in the advscibmedsci) you don't know the meaning of high demand? it's competitive to gain entry u see... "so work...
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    Pharmacy at USyd

    After one full year of university studies the selection team would consider your application based on your GPA for that year, as well as your UAI (it's a combination I believe). (Additional criteria e.g stat is also in place to sort the wheat from the chunder) If you did not sit the HSC, and...
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    B. Science ----> B. Medical Science or Pharmacy

    1 year of full time study. (Pharmacy at USYD has additional criteria btw e.g stat n shit) be advised though that both of those courses are high demand, so work hard son I'm proud of you BMedSc (3 Years minus the Dr.) Medicine (4-6, maybe even seven years depending whether you go undergraduate...
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    Tafe Nsw To University

    That's absurd, shut up. The people will not discriminate you because you're a UWS graduate. If you can demonstrate that you're capable of completing the tasks required, for what ever position it may be, they will consider you. Anywayzzzzzzz, who would want to work for some overweight idiot who...
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    Dallas Gibson of Icarus College BANKRUPT?

    A bit? No friend, you're slightly off rails with your judgment. This man you speak of is corrupt you see? A liar, scammer n probably lacking an Australian citizenship (no racism intended).