Search results

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    Screwed for Umat, plz help!!

    these courses provide nothing but a useless collection of irrelevant questions ya'been warned mum & dad take notes because obviously your sons & daughters are far too stupid to recognise they're being ripped off I learnt the hard way like many others on this forum listen, the only positive...
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    Depends entirely on the institution in question my friend?
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    Medicine in 2009

    cool, mechanical?
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    how to manage to study med?

    Have never applied to medicine. MSOrunt
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    New Medentry Group!

    My thoughts exactly. So sad...
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    Describe your dream job/career?

    Re: Whats your dream job? Paramedic for the New South Wales Ambulance Service. Unfortunately though, I wouldn't pass the medical examination they conduct mainly due to my eyesight not being as good as yours. Would consider the E.R.. Travel to Africa and see first hand the diseases which I have...
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    Best+Worst of Teacher Quotes and Habits

    Not really funny but I can remember my biology teacher was mega-racist, especially towards those who used other languages instead of English. For example I remember an Arab kid (Cudule was his name I believe) was talking to one of his mates during class when all of a sudden you heard the teacher...
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    11-year-old marries 10-year-old cousin

    I'm surprised! Confused wogs...
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    how to manage to study med?

    Ah man they need to tighten the application process something severe.
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    AMEPP vs MedEntry

    Neither or them. Useless bits of information nicely packaged for the stupid.
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    2008 MBBS Applicants (2009 intake)

    University of Sydney offering new combined medicine degrees:
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    Coping with anxiety?

    loud music... really loud
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    Morning Glory?

    Waking with an erection is healthy.
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    Laptops for Uni

    Re: How helpful is a laptop at university? Olol P.W.N.E.D!