Search results

  1. B

    Never done BIO before. Really struggling in Microbiology and Physiology

    Why jump into microbiology without first doing the HSC biology course, or at least the bridging course? This sort of situation reminds me of most of them failing UTS'neering fags who attempt engineering with only general math behind them. As with engineering, biology only gets harder as you...
  2. B

    Easy instructions for working out STANDARD DEVIATION on the Casio 82MS?

    Yeah, especially during examinations.
  3. B

    Loss Of Licence

  4. B

    BSc means UNEMPLOYMENT, true or false?

    ah bs
  5. B

    Tips for med interview at UWS

    :spam: They can ask you whatever the fuck they please.
  6. B

    UNSW Med Generic Timetables

    Can someone please provide a link to the timetable? If first year UWS students have a digital copy of the timetable (MBBS), please provide a link. Upload here:
  7. B

    So how much did you pay for your books this sem.?

    From the bookshop at the TAFEs. My brother purchased 1 for me as a gift. They're light versions, not heavy... but good enough for medsci, or chem... USYD and UTS sell heavy versions for 29 bucks
  8. B

    So how much did you pay for your books this sem.?

    You want in to UWS med, also? Providing I do ok with the UMAT and interview, we'll be study mates. I love GWS.
  9. B

    So how much did you pay for your books this sem.?

    What are you studying wooz?
  10. B

    Umat group study/Medentry material discount

    $495.00 for identical questions you can find on the internet, for free? If you purchase a preparation course, you're an idiot!
  11. B

    Screwed for Umat, plz help!!

    Marinababy is attempting to link together her stupidity, can't you see? let's all be like Marinababy... I-am-te-best-in-the-west-john-on-my-sandwich- ololzLOLOOLolOLolzolOLZolzolZolz
  12. B

    need 2 more ppl for medentry group discount

    I agree with Wooz. If you're a hardcore googler, you will find questions which are very close in style, and structure to those found in all the UMAT prep course company offerings. It would not surprise me at all if they do in fact search the Internet, copy questions simply changing the name...
  13. B

    The official Medical Science thread

    The MedSci program is also offered in the advanced science streams at USYD, UNSW, UWS etc.
  14. B

    UMAT course - AMEPP - Reliable?

    Yes, all except the Incarus Champions Training Course: $495.00 It's not necessary at all. Identical questions can be located on the Internet, free of charge.
  15. B

    Screwed for Umat, plz help!!

    I hang around here to prevent people such as yourself, and your family, from ripping off young HSC students. Nope, I have never been banned from BoS.
  16. B

    Which UMAT course is better?

    Yeah, "so far". What are these SOMEL files, and how do we obtain copies? I'll guess and say SOMEL is 'Some of Medentry's Lies', yes?