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  1. B

    Medentry Vs Icarus College! Sorry For Repeat

    Hold on, I know many students in first year at UNSW MBBS and none of them purchased Incarus; I think your ability to lie is fading Marinababy. Why don't you just give up before embarrassing yourself, and Dallas any further?
  2. B

    Which UMAT course is better?

    No, incorrect. Neither sujee. Preparation courses are not required. Preparation courses are basically questions taken from the internet, re-written (e.g. Sally is now Bob), and sold for $400+. Don't be a tool. As mana has stated, Emotional Intelligence by David Goleman is a must, in addition to...
  3. B

    Hsc At Tafe?

    No I didn't..
  4. B

    Which UMAT course is better?

  5. B

    UMAT course - AMEPP - Reliable?

    As mso has stated, purchasing a preparation course isn't necessary. Mensa Wiro: Ultimate Challenge series will expand your abilty to think critically; the abilty to think critically is essentially a necessity if you wish to do well in the UMAT. Additionally, the Internet is flooded with material...
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    Medentry Vs Icarus College! Sorry For Repeat

    Is that you, Jono? From MSO? You remind me of Jono from MSO since both your arguments carry little value. Boring... next
  7. B

    Screwed for Umat, plz help!!

    That's probably the only sensible thing you've typed throughout your eDays. I agree though. Many of us attempt to praise one course over another; for example, I myself believe Amepp is of the best quality, and of the closest relevancy, yet how would I know seeing as I have never sat the UMAT...
  8. B

    GAMSAT numbers?

    You should find the desired information in the 2008 GAMSAT information guide located here. Additionally if aiming for medicine via the GAMSAT, it's best to make friends with the people at Peace out, -Bacilli
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    wow no1 does this elective

    He's assuming biochemistry is useless which indicates to me that his mother was useless.
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    Will biology be hard without chemistry

    Biochemistry elective would require chemistry, I would think.
  11. B

    assigment help please infectious disease

    Post the assessment criteria sheet, eh?
  12. B

    Med Camp @ UNSW

    Hahaha yeahhh My parents are like, err... what's the difference between medsci and medicine???? cost more?? yahhhh i don't think they have any idea whats going on eh...