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  1. R

    Help! Hard magic square?

    no… But they do IQ tests in some private, city schools. They do it in Loreto Kirribilli, apparently. Then they separate the top classes based on that iirc.
  2. R

    Help! Hard magic square?

    I barely make contributions other than laughter and honesty! Yeah, nah, it was just a massive fluke. Lol
  3. R

    Help! Hard magic square?

    only 600-700??? LOL some of us hate and are shit at maffs but are actually sort of intuitive as well. :'(
  4. R

    Help! Hard magic square?

    yeah… I wouldn't have gotten it without the answers… EDIT: And afaik I have a rather high IQ I just have no learned intelligence. ^_^
  5. R

    Help! Hard magic square?

    Third row - (top row - middle row) = answers Third column gives 8, first gives 1, 8 - 1 = 7 x - (32 - 21) = 7 x = 18 EDIT: I meant middle
  6. R

    Help! Hard magic square?

    guess? Lol I got a method but it's not right. Lol
  7. R

    Withdrawing from Usyd.

    Your school sounds pretty mediocre
  8. R

    Usyd's timetables are out

    yeah, doktahz don't do SSP we do ADV
  9. R

    Help! Hard magic square?

    I have nfi how to do it I got 10
  10. R

    Help! Hard magic square?

    I don't think it matters as long as you have the commas which is MUCH better
  11. R

    Usyd's timetables are out

    advanced actual maths units
  12. R

    UNSW O-Week Meat 2013

  13. R

    Usyd's timetables are out

    he can just go to a different room and sign on in the first week That's what all the cool cats do.
  14. R

    Help! Hard magic square?

    put commas between the numbers in the "box"
  15. R

    How many hours per week?

    Looks fine for law. I'm enrolled in 1 unit worth 40 CP and I have like 25 hours. ^_^ (it's actually worth 80CP but it's separated over semesters. ^_^)
  16. R

    Usyd's timetables are out

  17. R

    Usyd's timetables are out

    she's a life ruiner, she ruins lives.
  18. R

    Usyd's timetables are out

    something arts