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  1. inasero

    Phantom of the Opera

    hooray for nepotism!!
  2. inasero


    is that you...nananancy?!
  3. inasero

    the cutoffs for MED

    Yeah I feel ya Alvin- I got an even higher UAI and stuffed up my interview. My first one, to say the least.
  4. inasero

    Why not medicine?

    med student: -study hard -.'.limited social life -hecs debt -parental/societal expectations of success intern: -long working hours -.'.limited social life -hecs debt -parental/societal expectations of success doctor: -long working hours -.'.limited social life -hecs debt...
  5. inasero


    I guess it's all a matter of choosing between the lesser of two evils.
  6. inasero

    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

    you can't criticise the religion or people and brand them as "scum". If it's necessary, then brand their dietary practices.
  7. inasero

    Anyone enjoys Classical Music?

    Yeah sure is! While I was studying for the HSC last year I listened alot to classical but one song which struck a chord with me (pardon the pun) was Vivaldi's "Winter". So I went to the local library where they have a decent classical collection and borrowed a couple of CDs. It's surprising but...
  8. inasero

    frozen blood worms

    cows eat grass and don't get sick from it...why don't you try that? :D
  9. inasero

    Phantom of the Opera

    the movie was okay, im sure i'd appreciate it more if i was a patron of the arts. On another note, it's interesting that Phanatical mentioned none of the singing was dubbed. When I heard the song in the scene where Christine and Hugo are on the rooftop, I seriously thought that it was Sarah...
  10. inasero

    Whinge about rental applications

    woah bad luck man! I'm quite surprised to hear of your situation in Canberra. I dunno what it's like there but in Melb (or at least in Clayton near Monash Uni) if you have a group of mates you wanna share with and theyre all students you can get a house in a jiffy. All I can say is that, you...
  11. inasero

    the cutoffs for MED

    no i am not, im speaking my mind
  12. inasero

    University of Notre Dame, Sydney Satellite Campus

    I'm personally a bit wary about the quality of the institution. But, I've been to the Freo campus personally and I must say it's nice- should give you an orgasm given your sandstone fetish Wenhui :)
  13. inasero

    medentry prepcourse?

    you (or rather your parents) won't be disappointed.
  14. inasero

    Courses before medicine

    except in advanced science advanced units are compulsory
  15. inasero


    so, u know her in real life then xiaoie?
  16. inasero

    Courses before medicine

    What I mean to say is that...the units are 'advanced' and as such, even though the marks may indicate that a candidate should fail, the unit difficulty is taken into consideration.
  17. inasero

    Psychiatry Postgrad?

    u said its about 12 years, and my maths shows that it's at least 11 years. Plus the range is 11-15,16,17 years so you can't really say 'around' 12 years now can you- given that the discrepancy is so large.
  18. inasero

    Courses before medicine

    This question has been asked millions of times and my short and simple answer anything (preferably science related as this gives a slight advantage in the GAMSAT). You see, there's no advantage in doing BMedSc over BSc (Adv) or whatnot. Just keep in mind that you can think of BMedSc as a...
  19. inasero

    How long does medicine take? New and improved formula!

    I've replied in another thread but I just thought I would stick this for the benefit of other members. Medicine is a particularly demanding and challenging profession which is potentially a very rewarding career. I don't intend to discourage any of you, but before signing your letter of...
  20. inasero

    Psychiatry Postgrad?

    I disagree...there are only two undergraduate universities in Australia which offer a minimum of 5 years for their course, these being Monash and Newcastle (Bond pending). The longest of course if if you do through the GAMSAT way in which case, basic medical training is 3 years for the...