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  1. inasero

    Comprehensive list of medical interview questions (all unis) here!

    the littman II is hardly what I would call a 'good' stethoscope...nonetheless I don;t have one so what am I saying lolz
  2. inasero

    Comprehensive list of medical interview questions (all unis) here!

    we can make u an honorary med student since you're around so much of the time anyways lol
  3. inasero

    Comprehensive list of medical interview questions (all unis) here!

    speaking of which, my brother has a lockpicking safe. The little bugger opened my safe! :scared:
  4. inasero

    Comprehensive list of medical interview questions (all unis) here!

    Sorry! Over the past few weeks I've had a couple of people ask me for the exact questions. Unfortunately, I don't believe in a prepared interview as it would defeat the purpose and give unfair advantages to some people over others. Furthermore, it doesn't reflect well on one's possible future as...
  5. inasero


    hey why not korea? i mean...sure its not as high tech and all, but the culture is very unique and something that alot of people dont consider these days. hm...
  6. inasero

    Phaic Tan

    written by the same ppl who wrote molvania...which was at one point in the top ten list so it should prove to be highly successsful
  7. inasero

    Is this happened to you?

    if belching carbon monoxide and fire and brimstone from coal poewr plants and BHP industries isn't real pollution, I dunno what is...
  8. inasero

    Is this happened to you?

    im sure that the story would be quite different if bonded medical place didnt come into the equation now...surely you agree!
  9. inasero

    Application Guide for med/dent to Oz

    lol whos acting like a girl? that is a very sexist way to talk about these bitches!
  10. inasero

    is it worth buying this computer? help!

    12.1" Mac iBook P3 500mhz 10G Dual usb snow white with firewire, lan, modem 192mb ram dvd drive $600 hmm im not experiecned in this field, so I don't know what to do. Please help!
  11. inasero

    Application Guide for med/dent to Oz

    perhaps you've got the long end of the stick...but I maintain that for my uni at least, it's just a commercial venture. Research is a highly lucrative business, and unless the uni can make a couple of grand off some hapless internationals, its no use funding undergrad courses (e.g. hence the...
  12. inasero

    International standing of all Australian universities

    lol i don't think so...remember he goes to the university of Sydney, and has only seen UMelb. It would be like me having an orgasm over USyd getting a good rank.
  13. inasero

    medical salaries

    yeah when you consider the long hours we work in internship that figure is comparable to a Maccas hourly wage. I kid you not. sxy_grl...if you're doing it for the money, then go do commerce or something.
  14. inasero

    International standing of all Australian universities

    ROFLMAO. Need I say more? WHat about Sydney Uni? Anyhows, it's pretty ironic how the results came out given the paper was published by Melb Uni.
  15. inasero

    Application Guide for med/dent to Oz

    Disclaimer: By the way you might think that displaying my uni logo in my signature might contradict what I just said, I merely put it there to let people know I study here :P
  16. inasero

    Application Guide for med/dent to Oz

    Well, I have a feeling it might not just be myself with these feelings. You see, when you're in high school, there's a fairly small population of students who you grow up with over six years and play sport with in the same teams so I guess you have a chance to 'belong'. Well the first thing you...
  17. inasero

    Application Guide for med/dent to Oz

    lol i dunno....but they sure dont have pride in it either.... i guess its cos we havent been given an opportunity to feel as if we truly 'belong'
  18. inasero

    Application Guide for med/dent to Oz

    i have 2 edit this list: sique - UNSW skywalker -UNSW inasero - Monash AKGumbi- Monash Superman- Monash eskimo- Monash keen - Adel +Po1ntDeXt3r+ - Adel
  19. inasero

    Sexiest Uni?

    i can assure you that if you want to go to uni based on appearance then DON'T came to Monash Uni!