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  1. A

    Advanced Maths vs Standard Maths

    It's really hard to say, 60% in your school might be a 90 in another. In terms of hsc final marks that are reported by bos to you, an 85-90 in general is definitely better than a 60 in advanced maths.
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    Is This Right???

    Yes and yes to both questions. Minus the curve thats lower from the curve thats higher up.
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    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    I dont think that means anything. When we called student centre they said official release of all results is on the 19th, but keep checking as subjects should be released earlier. The 19th is just the day when everything is finalised.
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    Microsoft Anti-spyware

    wtf, i installed the windows beta 1. it wont work, error on loading 2. its screwed my msn, takes ages to type user/pass, has deleted the profiles 3. wont uninstall, error on uninstalling
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    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    INFO 1003 Foundations of Information Technology 73.0 Credit Pretty disappointed with it considering I went in on close to 90% and it was only worth 50%, scaled down immensly. I hope its not signs of things to come :(
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    Limits are the devil.

    He took the x from in front of the sin(pi/x) out of the bracket.
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    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    Faculty deadlines are the 5th apparantly, so anything released before then is considered an early release.
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    Have I stuffed my chance of a good UAI

    Theres still plenty of time. My first assessment for 3 unit was 52%, and I managed to pull it up to high 80s by the end.
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    Thanks for that gman. And i dont know about cool, but yes i'm making the migration from usyd :) From the looks of it, comp2121 is the one replacing comp2021, its only 4 hours (2 lectures and 2 lab), but the lecture time sucks, clashes with a higher several variable calculus one. On a better...
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    for biological science you also must do chem and maths though, theyre not really free electives if you're forced to do it. You are quite right that first year psych only has 12 uoc, which, like i said, entitles you to 1 or 2 free electives in first year.
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    Biological science, geography, environmental science, marine science, medical microbiology, philosophy etc. all require 24 uoc of level III, biomechanics requires 30. Most importantly in this case, both ecology and psychology require 24 uoc of level III subjects related to the two majors. To...
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    It's possible to do a double major at unsw, but you're practically using up all your units of credit on core units for both majors, other than first year where there may be room for one or two electives.
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    Changing from IT at usyd. Shouldnt have a problem getting all but discrete maths credited from first year. I changed basically because I wanted to combine, plus I want a more scientific approach to computing. edit: so are the changes mentioned in here...
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    Hello fellow computer scientists! I will be here next year doing a combined comp sci and maths and i was just looking through the handbook and noticed something about comp 2011/2711 and comp2041. For comp 2011/2711 it indicates 5/7 contact hours, yet here there only seems to be 4? Are there...
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    Induction help :(

    Proof of what insert-username said: Let p be an integer divisible by 4: p = 4q, where q is some integer q is divisble by 2: q = 2r, where r is some integer .: p = 4.2r = 8r, hence p is divisible by 8.
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    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    My first one wasnt out until thursday 2nd week, which will be the 1st of december and when the engo students get unlocked. So that's looking like a possible date for the first release.
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    USYD Scholarship Application

    Would've been the $5000 ones
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    How much do you download?

    This month (with 2 days to go nuts in): Peak: 11299 MB (12pm-12am) OffPeak: 14042 MB (12pm-12am)
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    USYD Scholarship Application

    Possibly, thats the only faculty i can confirm with any confidence.