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  1. ur_inner_child

    The Sims 2

    Re: Sims2 Your families etc should still remain, so I don't see the problem?
  2. ur_inner_child

    Does God exist?

    We're not refuting that having an idea and committing to it is a bad thing. Anyway If we trusted whatever we were brought up with, we'd still be in the Dark Ages. Moving forward, questioning your strongest beliefs and observing from another stance is good from time to time, don't you agree...
  3. ur_inner_child

    The worst job you've ever had?

    It's probably not as bad as other jobs, but I really dislike waitressing. I got paid quite well (better than most cafes) and tipped nicely, but it was always quite daunting. It's so different to other industries. I don't know if it was just me or that customers expect better service from...
  4. ur_inner_child

    Should I take him? ....

    Aw dude, you gave him the pity card. The pity card! You accepted because you felt sorry for him. Don't do that. Break it off quick before it gets too much!
  5. ur_inner_child

    Why we need religion....

    We should stick with the morals set down by someone who wrote it years and years ago? And just not question it, not matter what situation? Is this what you're saying? That religion is good because there are written rules as to what is right and wrong, is also irrefutable because it's God's...
  6. ur_inner_child

    Special treatment

    I'd say most take their family for granted, and thus aren't the nicest they can possibly be to them. But for friends, we're aware they don't necessarily last forever, so we're keen to maintain the relationship.
  7. ur_inner_child

    Racist pub bans Arabs, Islanders

    I'm not sure about the legal side of it, but you could say a supermarket can be private property by the owner, and thus choose to ban middle eastern people in? If it's a place of business, isn't it a different matter altogether?
  8. ur_inner_child

    Spiderman 3

    Care to be more specific? What was it? Just cheezy? Shit plot? Shit story telling? If Spiderman is actually shit, I have a feeling its because all the didactic (moral telling) elements will feel cheezy and the plot is too complicated that it rushes. I mean, three villains, all from...
  9. ur_inner_child

    Racist pub bans Arabs, Islanders

    I bet even if this whole thing is true, they won't be enforcing it very well. Pretty sure if a well dressed, westernised middle eastern girl approached the pub, she'd have no trouble getting in. It just doesn't seem believable that of all pubs, scruffy murphy's is a "racist" and "strict" pub.
  10. ur_inner_child

    Racist pub bans Arabs, Islanders

    Depends. If I were denied entry simply by race, I would be offended. Here we are debating on how migrants don't assimilate, but low and behold, someone who has assimilated so much that I have very little (about my background) that I can identify with. I regard myself as Australian through...
  11. ur_inner_child

    Australia's Next Top Model Cycle 3

    Who's the chick that everyone hates? Paloma? I only watched this episode, but that girl is the biggest airhead. "Like... yesterday... right... uh... I wanted to get voted off... but thought I wouldn't... yeah.... and today... I don't wanna get voted off.... but I think I might...." Biggest...
  12. ur_inner_child

    War in Iraq

    You find not questioning authority admirable?
  13. ur_inner_child

    The HSC Music 2007 Chatter Thread

    ooooo How are your majorworks for music 2 coming along?
  14. ur_inner_child

    War in Iraq

    Hi. A few things. 1. Don't abuse other members over the net. I was lenient this time because I admit I didn't run through this thread earlier, so your various name calling and such may have been provoked etc. I'm sick of editing people's otherwise valuable posts, merely taking out things...
  15. ur_inner_child

    First class honours...

    Depends on your uni and what kind of field you're doing. If your doing a humanities degree, it might be something entirely different. I'm doing Music (Honours) @ Usyd and I could only obtain that via credit average (and no failing) for my first two years. My next two years, my majorworks must...
  16. ur_inner_child

    Shooter (Mark Wahlberg)

    Mark Wahlberg is so much cooler. :)
  17. ur_inner_child

    Audio Technology.

    Meh. One guy is an audio engineer @ Trackdown Studios at Fox Studios had a JMC qualification, nothing else. It can be done, and besides, you would know, it depends on the genre you want to be recording/mastering for.
  18. ur_inner_child

    >18 yrs o +defacto/marriage (>12 mths)= youth allowance

    Here. I made a help thread
  19. ur_inner_child

    Centrelink & Youth Allowance

    The amount of Centrelink related questions in this forum is astonishing. So here is a thread, hopefully answering your many questions. I may have quoted the site here and there to guide you. Centrelink Student Line: 132490 This is the number you can report your income, inquire about...
  20. ur_inner_child

    >18 yrs o +defacto/marriage (>12 mths)= youth allowance

    you mean $18 525 in an 18 month period. $1500 is hilarious. Anyway!OpenDocument&Highlight=2,independent