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    Textbooks &What to bring

    The list is also now available on campus in the Co-op Bookshop itself.
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    Which universities offer the best "digital media" degrees?

    Design is fairly good, I don't think it has Art Theory which is what the UTS/UNSW variants also offer on top of the practical elements, but it has fairly good practical elements.
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    Which universities offer the best "digital media" degrees?

    UWS: Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) Is probably your best bet, like others have said, you would have difficulty with your UAI
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    I wasn't arguing the trivialities of entry requirements, merely pointing to the fact that UTS did not 'put the UAI as 95.5' but it is a result of student demand. Yes it may not be the best measure of a journalist, yes CSU takes an alternative pathway, but no, UAI cutoffs are usually not...
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    Timetables 2009

    AHST is second year, when I either find a more flexible job or quit rofl :(
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    Help please

    You're such a bastard on here, but I'll help ya anyway: Yes you can do 9cp, and 12cp is 'normal'. You need to complete either an ISYS or COMP unit, you don't have a choice, ISYS 123 is about as basic as you're going to get as well.
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    International Studies - Quick Question

    Culture != Business, you may have found yourself in the wrong degree. The majority of the world speaks in English, the question then is why bother with something called 'International Studies'? Your view seems to encapsulate an English-centric world view, but business in English speaking...
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    International Studies - Quick Question

    Then go to International Business, International Studies seems to suggest different cultures, rather than the same Western culture. It's not 'unethical' but it is definitely not the norm :)
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    2009 Macquarie Uni Offers / General Chatter

    Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers I think I may be on Friday depending on whether I need to turn up for the CPS crap. :(
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    Psychology honours requirements...

    You'd have to contact that university I gather :)
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    Psychology honours requirements...

    You could always contact someone in the Psych department :) And good luck with raising the GPA! I was in a similar position regarding that for my degree, ended up sneaking in by some miniscule amount rofl.
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    Psychology honours requirements...

    Doubt it, its fairly competitive, btw 2.5 is in between a credit and a pass, so its not THAT hard
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    General Questions Regarding "Units" - Please Help

    That's why people have breaks, depending on their schedule that's when they meet up with friends for lunch or do the readings before tutes!
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    will i be able to get ANY credit transferred over?

    Highly unlikely, but you need to read this site: Macquarie University - Undergraduate Studies
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    2009 Macquarie Uni Offers / General Chatter

    Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers For the purposes of First Years, the act of registration in units (and classes on the day) is confirmation of your enrolment.
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    2009 Macquarie Uni Offers / General Chatter

    Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers Units will most likely not get filled, certain classes may be filled though, the way enrolments are being done though, is by subject group from what I remember, so you're not going to have Accounting students spread through the week or anything (at least I hope not)
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    2009 Macquarie Uni Offers / General Chatter

    Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers 5-10 depending on traffic, its not too long, about the same for eastwood. I'd go epping though, more buses I think
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    2009 Macquarie Uni Offers / General Chatter

    Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers Its pretty easy to see which side you'll need to catch it from wheny ou get there, one side has 4 lanes of traffic, and the other is a raised section with the bus stop/taxi stands.
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    How does the reputation system work?

    The rep given is based on who is repping you, so for arguments sake someone with 1 Bar may be able to give 1 Rep, someone with 12 Bars, can give 12 Rep etc. (Not actual numbers)