This might seem like a really stupid question, but if we run out of room in our logbook before we're finished our IP, can we start a second and submit that also? i mean it makes sense to me but im thinking the markers might find it a hassle...
bugger me she was one melodramatic bitch. "wah wah wah i cant believe he did that wah wah wah" its a freakin game.. i woulda done it too. im goin for ryan :)
unfortunately.. i dont have a year to learn :( i only really decided to do video at the start of the holidays.. ive never made one before.. i hope i go ok *worries*
ewww who saw the one the other day where in the autopsy they jus lifted the chicks rib cage out... god it make it sick.. well i think it was the other day... or it was on the box set i was watching theother day..
wow... thanks :) well my bf has an editing program (i dont know why, as he doesnt even own camera) so maybe ill jus check wat that one is and see if theres any way of finding adobe premiere... thanks again
Theres a thread in the English (area of study) forum which has pages upon pages of suggested related material :)
^^ link :)
i have a side fringe too, but i need a haircut pretty bad right now.. so it's grown so i can put it behind my ear without it falling back across my face again... i have curly hair, so the whole side fringe thing is hard to maintain for me :( but i try my hardest :)