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  1. _muse_

    R.I.P. Paul Hester (merged)

    -sings- 'somethin so strong... could carry us away.... :(
  2. _muse_


    i had nightmares about that god damn masked guy... that freaked me out so bad
  3. _muse_

    First Three Words of your MW (Just 'Cause)

    mines changed... now its "There it was..." but itll probably change again :)
  4. _muse_

    How the crap do u research into the short story medium?

    poe has NOTHING to do with my topic. i dont read them for their content, i read them for their structure, taking in how he puts everything together. yea well if u live in a crummy town like mine, net guides are heaven sent.
  5. _muse_

    R.I.P. Paul Hester (merged)

    goodbye Paul... RIP :(
  6. _muse_

    R.I.P. Paul Hester (merged)

    R.I.P Paul... aww thats so sad, i used to love it when my dad put on crowded house when i was little... i cant even begin to imagine what his two little girls are goign through (i think the article said he had 2 little girls?)
  7. _muse_

    how did everyone go in their 1st or 2nd hsc economics assessments

    ha i never attacked anyone, you assumed i was all depressed and worried when im not. ANYWAY back to the actual topic of the thread
  8. _muse_


    who the hell is kath mcluskie?! anyway... sorry i couldnt help you
  9. _muse_

    Parity Checking

    haha i just say 'yeah computery crap :)'
  10. _muse_

    how did everyone go in their 1st or 2nd hsc economics assessments

    hey HEY what did i just say?! i just said i wasnt stressing and i wasnt worried! geez people. god its only economics. i only get depressed about it when my best friends decides to rub it in that hes getting hugemungous high marks - which is VERY rarely.
  11. _muse_

    double time or double time and a half rates for easter break.

    i worked yesterday and i was told that i was only getting paid the normal rate.. i was so pissed off, every other workplace i knew of was getting paid double time and a half. and heres stingy big w paying normal rate *angry*
  12. _muse_


    right well.. apologies, was only trying to help.. well anyway peoples, thats the website and i myself got some notes off there :) im sure u could write in your bibliography resources page - thanks to (notes creator) as long as you didnt copy what was written word for...
  13. _muse_

    how did everyone go in their 1st or 2nd hsc economics assessments

    i never said i was stressing out. the only reason i got 61% was because the teacher took the questions out of a review booklet we did the week before, so i knew some of the answers. Im not complaining, economics just isnt my strength. but im still interested in the content.
  14. _muse_

    General Half-yearly thread HSC 05

    my half yearlies dont start til after the school holidays :D which sucks cause theres no way im gonna have any motivation to study at all in the holidays :(
  15. _muse_

    People who are specialized

    i dont do any science at all.. my subjects are listed in my sig.. i didnt do sciences because i pretty much failed them in year 9 and 10 so i jus gave up and said no. so yeah. im sorta kinda all over the place, but i do write alot of essays :)
  16. _muse_

    Parity Checking

    i didnt even know what ipt was about until i was in the first lesson and the teacher gave us a brief outline of what it was
  17. _muse_

    Parity Checking

    or make a cup of tea *shudder*
  18. _muse_

    Parity Checking

    haha i remember i had to do them in year 10 for 'computing studies 4' or somethin.. oh man, i was th eonly one in the class that got it all wrong but then i got algorithms wrong too.. you know those ones START do this THEN do this IF THEN do this STOP oh my did i fail that
  19. _muse_

    How the crap do u research into the short story medium?

    well my teacher has just told me to research and find "how to" guides to writing a short story (these can be found by googling "How to write a short story") she also told me to READ short stories, particularly edgar allen poe... essays on short stories?! havent heard that one before..
  20. _muse_


    IVE FOUND IT! haha its (we missed the .au bit :)) also... ok ive found a site... - article about queen lere whether its helpful or not is up to you :)