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  1. _muse_

    What car do you own?

    maroon 1998 hyundai excel.. my little beast
  2. _muse_

    Half Yearly Study Thread

    oh my.. too much talk about needles.. id rather talk about ipt than needles *shudders*
  3. _muse_

    Me ranting about group assignments

    i had a group work assignment in prelim for IPT and i was with all my friends and it was fantastic, we all divided up the workload and everything got done. we got excellent marks and we've worked together fantastically ever since. but there are times in drama, when group work is part of your...
  4. _muse_

    Is this true?

    oh you silly thing. i have never heard of such a thing as that. it sounds like absolute codswallop
  5. _muse_

    Half Yearly Study Thread

    omg operations... needles... ARRRRGGHHH sorry i have a phobia of needles :) definetly fill out a misadventure form, you can't not fill one out considering you are having an operation a week or whatever before your half yearlies.. it'll do you the world of good :) good luck with the *ugh*...
  6. _muse_

    Are checkouts that bad?

    i hate the customers that come through express (3 items or less) with their huge trolleys full of crap, im not talking big things im talking full of tiny little things like pens, chocolates, wool etc. Express doesnt mean fast with big trolleys sunshine, it means small amounts of items.. holy...
  7. _muse_

    Have people started writing yet?

    yeah i mean of course there were going to be errors in mine, i have terrible grammar and i have a habit of making my characters a little to knowledgable for their age... im thinking of writing the story how i was writing before but then also writing portions of the story the way my teacher...
  8. _muse_

    Half Yearly Study Thread

    my teacher does "10 quick questions" as soon as we walk in the door to the classroom.. bloody 10 quick questions.. so annoying.. but they are his secret to getting us to learn stuff.. and i guess it works?? we'll see in half yearlies EDIT: btw murf thanks for posting up those notes... dont...
  9. _muse_

    warning c.f people

    the directors cut has extra scenes and stuff apparently
  10. _muse_

    People who are doing crime fiction!!!

    i think youll find that the descriptive bits are important... they help with foreshadowing etc which my class found very important at the end of the novel...
  11. _muse_

    Class of 2005 - Which texts do you do?

    king lear = shit. i hate shakespeare
  12. _muse_

    Half Yearly Study Thread

    basically i will be summarising everything, looking through some excel books and stuff like that to see how they explain some things, ill be learning key words, key diagrams etc etc.. ipt is fairly easy to study for, you just need to know words and stuff :)
  13. _muse_

    shit teachers

    is it national revive old thread week?! as for teachers, mines awesome. the end.
  14. _muse_

    what the hell is the question the IPT assignment?

    we're "dedicated" :p
  15. _muse_

    Pride and Prejudice

    hes in what a girl wants? *rushes out and watches movie*
  16. _muse_

    what the hell is the question the IPT assignment?

    helps if u say what school ur from so people will actually know if they have the same assessment question as you :)
  17. _muse_

    how did everyone go in their 1st or 2nd hsc economics assessments

    so theres 5 people in my class.. and im number 5... how dumb do i feel when i hear everyone else getting above 80% in their assessments.. oh how i need help badly.
  18. _muse_

    achieving band 6s IPT

    we shouldnt have to tell people, it should be common knowledge... sorry for the cranky tone
  19. _muse_

    Have people started writing yet?

    it was a first draft that i was happy with, i was willing to make changes, but what my teacher said was ridiculous, she wanted me to change so many things that by the time she finished rattling them off the whole point of my story was lost. I am more than willing to accept constructive criticism...
  20. _muse_


    im sorry but i really have to agree...joe you really do make some pretty pointless posts at times not to mention turning IPT threads into legal ones :p