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    Natural Law V Revealed Law

    "The natural law is law implanted in nature by the creator so that humans can realise the Eternal law (God’s law) through human reasoning. Teaching authority in the Church may teach on matters of faith and morals, giving high priority to role of authority within its religious structures. More...
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    2005 Independant, Q7 c) iii)

    That's not entirely correct though, you are saying that for small angles sin(2pi/n) = 2pi/n, which is not the case, it is just an approximation. Its only when you have that limit that you can use the equality sign, because in that case its true.
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    2u v 3u

    Awards are an internal thing to celebrate the students who came in the top in the respective subjects, they are not intended to show who is going to do the best in the HSC. Why shouldnt someone who tops general maths get an award and someone who comes 10th in 4 unit not get anything?
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    Computer Science/Maths

    Hi, I'm currently undertaking a combined degree in computer science and maths. I was wondering if the ADF has need for such graduates and what areas of the ADF (if any) would graduates of computer science and maths be hired for? Thanks for the help.
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    Math question, please help :)

    I dont know if they want you to do anything fancy, but if y' = 1/x and y' = that limit, then wouldnt it imply 1/x = that limit? I think thats all you need.
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    Math question, please help :)

    Let f(x) = lnx f(x+h) = ln(x+h) y' = lim (h->0) (f(x+h) - f(x))/h = lim (h->0) (ln(x+h)-lnx)/h = lim (h->0) (ln[(x+h)/x])/h = lim (h->0) (ln[1 + h/x])/h = lim (h->0) (1/h)*(ln[1 + h/x]) = lim (h->0) (ln[1 + h/x])1/h (the number in front of a log becomes the power)
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    2u 2001 ruse paper

    Its here dotty:
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    2u 2001 ruse paper

    I remember doing it last year, it wasnt too bad.
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    Harder Integration

    i) ∫ √(4 - x2) dx, x = 2sinθ -> dx = 2cosθ dθ = ∫√(4 - 4sin2θ) 2cosθ dθ = ∫2√(cos2θ) 2cosθ dθ = 4∫cos2θ dθ Just ordinary trig integration from there ii) ∫ dx/[x(logex)2] Let u = logex, du = dx/x ∫ du/u2 iii) ∫ [(logex)2]/x dx Let u = logex, du = dx/x ∫u2 du
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    98% in 2u???

    i got 99 :p In short, I dont know the 98 cutoff, but you can be sure its less than 118/120
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    I spent all that time thinking of what to write then got rejected instantly - only to find out they changed their mind and decided to give me one some 5-6 months later.
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    100% in 2u???

    If they came 2nd in state, chances are they came first in their grade, so their assessment mark wouldve been their exam mark, if not then someone else in the same school wouldve had to have gotten pretty close to 100, which isnt the case since all the people near the top go to different schools...
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    100% in 2u???

    er equal third* Just take a look at the list, it shows what i mean:
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    100% in 2u???

    Because bos wouldve reported them as equal first if they got the same mark, but they didnt. I actually came equal 3rd with some other person and bos reported that i was equal third, and since they didnt do the same for the people above me, they didnt come equal.
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    What to do..? ho hum...

    IT/Comp sci at usyd requires 18 credit points of maths which means you will have to (usually) take 4 maths subjects in first year and 1 in second year, most people take differential calculus, linear algebra, statistics and integral calculus in first year and then discrete maths and graph theory...
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    Inquiry - Important

    Last year 76 wouldve gotten closer to 96 than 98. I would say closer to 80/84, but you can't really compare this from year to year, it may go up or down this year.
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    easy log question, help

    The derivative of ax is a 2 unit topic, thus all 2 unit students should know that ax = exlna.
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    100% in 2u???

    Me = 3rd, raw mark = 118/120, hsc mark = 99/100 which means: guy who came 2nd got raw mark of 119/120 and hsc mark of 99 guy who was first got raw mark of 120/120 and hsc mark of 100.
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    even and odd functions and neither

    neither is when neither of those two are true. eg. y = x2/ex
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    2004 Graduate Statistics (Starting Salaries) Out!

    If I entered my degree for the money I'd have done software engineering rather than compsci/maths. I purposely chose my degree for further study, as do many BSc students.