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  1. A

    woes about some courses - please help!

    People don't give a fuck about law unless you come from USYD, simple as that.
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    Any Help ?

    Some places do, try putting forward an application for special consideration or something like that.
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    UAI cut-offs: Decrease or Increase

    Why do people insist on pointing out that people are on the internet...using an internet forum? End of the day your statement is largely speculative.
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    Working up to B psych

    You can't do psych units in a straight BA/BSci, you need to be enrolled in a B Arts-Psych or B Sci-Psych. To do what you want, you'll be effectively missing a year of uni for the transfer + waiting for PSY 104/105.
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    Any Help ?

    Apply, you never know.
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    Percentiles Pass/Credit/Distinction/HD and also scaling.

    Depends on a few factors, there are provisions for 'smaller' classes/units so that a curve bell isn't applied, most of the time though, it'll fall into a bell curve.
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    UAI cut-offs: Decrease or Increase

    *clap* You win. That's right, off you go, here's a gold star.
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    UAI cut-offs: Decrease or Increase

    Afaik, those places 'lost' are being reimbursed by the Government anyway. End of the day, no one here knows what effect it WILL have, its all speculation so just wait till results actually come out then hypothesise with all your fanboy vigor
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    Top whatever gigs 2008

    1. Bon Jovi / Iron Maiden @ Acer. 2. Everything else I saw
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    DISTINCTION average in uni hard to achieve generally?

    Good to see sarcasm is one of your strong points.
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    DISTINCTION average in uni hard to achieve generally?

    Forget about a social life, you're looking at studying 24/7. If you don't turn up to classes on the dot, and attend all lectures, you'll be lucky to get a pass. lol idiot University is serious business.
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    This is a result of students, not UTS.
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    Student union...huhwat? Don't think we pay that...
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    Okay... So what happens now?

    City Campus = Macquarie City College which is not the actual university, its a scheme run through some other institution. The Ryde campus is quite good with regards to social life, though its really what you make it for any sense of 'social life' so like you said, it'd be stupid to base your...
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    Question about UNI's

    PRIA Accredited degrees: Development - Public Relations Institute of Australia As for communication, depending on where you go, it'll either be a case of journalism as communication, a mix of media theory with some practical as communication, or a practical course with a bit of theory...
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    UAI cut-offs: Decrease or Increase

    How about instead of speculating on something you obviously know nothing about, you actually enjoy the last moments of your childhood!
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    Ancient Languages Summer School

    I'd hedge a bet that since he's doing an egyptology honours, that it'd be Rome.
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    Anyone keen for Macquarie?

    Nope, it runs through people.
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    What do we need to do to enroll in 5 subjects a semester?

    ^ You basically fill out a form and the HoD looks over it and asks people if you can do it, and if you can you get approved.