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    Umat Tutoring

    michael - for this page - you should really quantify those achievements. very best in the country sounds pretty subjective, and people love figures :)
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    Semester I Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester I 2007 - Chatter Thread! next time im gonna take photos of undercover cops lololololz
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    MONASH from syd

    Vtec just kicked in yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    War in Iraq

    Optophobia: They wont be going to sudan, look how they screwed up iraq/vietnam/somalia.
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    Umat Tutoring

    No problems. Surely 4 years on, you would have realised that those achievements mean shit now.
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    What is uni like?

    same, all I do at uni is go to classes and study :(
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    Umat Tutoring

    ok, your e-penis is bigger than his.
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    Advanced and normal streams not differentiated?

    No employer will give a crap whether it says advanced or not. Personally I'd rather it didn't, as it seems quite tacky. But yes your testamur will show advanced.
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    FINC2011 stuff

    That I would not know. You may want to ask on sharescene forums, they may know.
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    Barclays + ABN Amro...

    Hedge fund owners dont need to be asking grad compensation for s&t ;) ND: Is equities lower at your firm?
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    science advanced

    It is a suitable preparation. Not the best. The best is what you enjoy and do well in (provided its quantitative)
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    FINC2011 stuff

    Go to yahoo finance. They have historical share prices.
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    Too Soon For Relationship?

    lolololozz you're from sydney girls. did you go out with a sydney boys?
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    That is very true. I was doing a vanilla Bsc in maths, and had a long hard thought about it. My friends dad, an actuary gave me an example of a super qualified maths guy, who was doing the accounts in the firm fine, however he was fired and a CA hired because he lacked the professional...
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    UAI 99.90 - tutoring in Bio. Chem. Phy. Eng (adv). Extn 1 Maths. Extn 2 Maths.

    In yr10, you might see him, usually wins the most prizes.
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    Dont be another accounting statistic. Do maths/finance. More sought after and more useful in any industry. More challenging/interesting/greater earning potential etc.
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    Is there a usyd mathsoc?
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    pls help!

    If waf doesnt have a scanner, ill do it.
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    How is the GWAM calculated? (for eng honours?)
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    Barclays + ABN Amro...

    BNP were hiring last year for grads, dont know what happened to them this yr. They were hiring in all divisions. On the original thread topic, Bank of Scotland have outbid Barclays. BoS' bid is $98.5 billion US.