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    Very Past Papers?

    Youll find them back to the 1960s here: 2unit: 3unit:
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    damn you locus!!

    It is in the course, and youll find some, but not many, questions in the success one book
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    Google Earth For anyone interested in world wind. Its some 180 mb though
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    True or False?

    I agree, i'd be interested in a new perspective
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    Free jugs of beer for usyders this thursday at the manning!

    seems to be a promotional thing for BIT
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    True or False?

    Yes I erred amongst writing up the proof for both functions i was working with using epsilon-delta. The limit exists, the function value at that point doesnt equal the limit's value and hence its not continuous at that point. Taking δ = ε proves the limit exists
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    True or False?

    No that function is continuous at 2 and automatically you know the limit exists and equals 4. Remember you need to simplify before evaluating the limit, but you could also show it with l'Hopital's rule
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    Free jugs of beer for usyders this thursday at the manning!

    usyd phoned me asking to do an interview for some newspaper, which means i have to go tomorrow. If im around there at that time ill pop by :)
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    Google Earth

    Has anyone tried NASA's world wind? I downloaded it at one stage but dont recall whether I actually used it or not.
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    Some ways to 'exploit' the transfer systems

    1. Isnt that assuming that you maintain that GPA? Considering you are getting into 3rd year units its a pretty big gamble. 2. I thought the NRSL index cut off changes on a yearly basis depending on the standard of people that apply?
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    True or False?

    I agree, it may be given greater exposure to people who have more experience in it than me.
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    Combined Engineering / Science Question

    To transfer into the actual advanced science degree you'd probably have to discuss the requirements with the uni for an internal transfer. Most likely they'd take your uni results into consideration, so taking some advanced units and doing well in them would probably be beneficial.
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    simple trig function dillema

    You can use radians for all situations, but if you prefer to work with degrees then a general rule is to always use radians when doing application of calculus to the physical world. In things such as geometry, degrees is fine unless otherwise specified.
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    True or False?

    Sorry for this, but where does it state a function must be continuous for the delta-epsilon definition of a limit to apply? I am quite confident that you can find limits of functions that are not continuous. Also I dont recall either myself or Xayma saying that you apply l'Hopital's rule on...
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    True or False?

    Im am not arguing that 00 should not be taken as 1 (although i dont like saying it that way) what I am merely trying to state, and in a sense try to work out also, is if the limit of xx as x->0 can be taken. I think if you could somehow get a graph which merged f(x) = xx and f(x) = (-x)(-x), or...
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    True or False?

    The best way i can think of to explain the formal epsilon-delta definition of a limit is graphically. Take a simple function like f(x) = x2. The limit as x approaches 2 is 4. In this case, a is 2 and L is 4 in the definition i posted before. Observe the graph below: The definition of...
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    True or False?

    Sorry about the symbols, ill translate the first one, and the rest would almost be the same with slight variations: "Given an epsilon greater than 0, there exists a delta greater than zero such that for every x, 0 < |x - a| < delta implies |f(x) - L| < epsilon". As for using common sense...
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    True or False?

    Hmmm i see where you are coming from, but im not entirely convinced that is the case. The definition of limit as x->a of f(x) is: This implies that in a small interval delta about a (in this case a is 0), the function lies withing an interval epsilon of L (in this case L is 1). However...
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    True or False?

    I think you may have mistaken Xayma's arguement, who_loves_maths. He was saying that the limit as x->0 of xx does not exist, since by definition, that implies both limit as x->0- of xx and limit as x->0+ of xx exist AND are equal, which as he pointed out is not the case. If im not mistaken...
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    They use the auxillery method acosA + bsinA = Rcos(A - @) where R = sqrt(a2 + b2) and tan@ = b/a