Hehe calibrated using the DTV forums settings when I first booted her up, was a little too bright for my liking and most people seemed to agree.
Pretty impressed with it overall, playing through the older games to finally see them in the higher res.
Samsung LA40M81BDX 40", got it for $1299 at Domayne today from the big carpark sale thing they've got going.
It's an ex-display model, but with 3 years warranty, I'm not too fussed :)
And damn it looks nice
Has been a grand few weeks of being an Xbox owner hasn't it?
*pats GoW2 box*
Haven't had a chance to strip her down and put her into my big box yet, been out drinking, but tomorrow I shall ravish her before I finish off Dead Space
Re: The old end of semester / mark prediction thread
I think the apt words here are "lolpwnt".
"Don't care as long as its a pass" ? :D How long left for you?
Windows 7 pre-beta: it really rocks!
by Alex Zaharov-Reutt
Monday, 03 November 2008
The buzz over Windows 7 is everything Microsoft clearly wished for Vista, with illegal downloads racing across the Internet as curious computer users...
Until such a time that ari can produce physical evidence of such transfers, concentrate on the official line and inquire/think of transfers as if they were using those standards.
Much like how some unis will accept people with lower UAIs, these things are based on a number of factors and are...