Search results

  1. A

    Careers after uni..

    Garbo. Seriously, 'best' career? What kind of mindset is that?
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    Fallout 3

    Elder Scrolls: With Guns and Drugs
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    Censoring the censorship debate

    How'd you survive being dropped on your head?
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    Aboriginal Studies

    :O Its snapperheadddddd
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    Censoring the censorship debate

    *sigh* Source
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    Admin password/login screen

    Ubuntu Jerk Off Session ------------>
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    The old end of semester / mark prediction / results thread

    Re: The old end of semester / mark prediction thread IIc
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    Ipod greatest invention ever?

    Familiar with the words 'Never' 'Gonna' 'Give' 'You' 'Up' ?
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    Ipod greatest invention ever?

    4 paragraphs != essay.
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    Admin password/login screen

    Computers 101 -----> that way
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    Admin password/login screen

    See the part where they say they don't want to format? Your solution goes against this. GTFO. Log on using safe-mode with networking if you haven't got that. Install/run let it scan, and then reboot. Boot up in safe-mode again and try another one...
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    Your Pc?

    Reminds me of the days kids would get top of the line computers to run CS
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    Ipod greatest invention ever?

    Mine's better
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    New macbooks are hideous

    You never know Justin, those new Macs may be sentient and actually do want to compliment their counterparts
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    What is required for 99.55 UAI?

    Because its popular and has a limited amount of places. Also you really shouldn't worry about 'scaling'. To put it bluntly, poor exam results aren't going to magically be turned into band 6 ones. If you did poorly compared to everyone else, you're still going to do poorly compared to everyone...
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    LAW at UTS or MACQ???????? HELP

    Atmosphere, they're all universities. They're going to be as bad or good as what you make it.
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    Uni courses to get into game programming.
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    Soundwave 09

    Tickets confirmed.
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    grey background in pdf

    Helps to read.
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    engineering @ MQ?

    Because it's brand new and so they're probably concentrated on a specific area of engineering versus the more established unis?