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    New logo, branding, etc

    Re: Don't miss your chance to be part of the unveiling of our new image... Rofl. You better not attend then.
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    HSC year avoiding games?

    Roflmao, yep I absolutely hate gamers, spot on. a) Read my comments again, namely : See how you agree with me? See also how this was in response to: Now notice how I laugh at him for trying to justify how playing certain games is meaningful and others aren't, by stating that CS gives you...
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    playing First person shooter with mates!

    a) Piracy is bad. b) LAN's shouldn't be a problem if you play it locally. If you're playing it online, you may run into problems (since most games have checks for CD-Keys these days). Also there might be issues with port-forwarding etc regarding your router.
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    Death of music as an artform and as a the strongest communicative language we have.

    Re: Death of music as an artform and as a the strongest communicative language we hav I'd probably contend that visual signs moreso than audio has been the dominant communicative language in recent decades. As for the 'art of music', like others have previously stated, you have to define what...
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    New logo, branding, etc
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    HSC year avoiding games?

    Start playing games with him then
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    Pink Floyd fans...:(

    Great gig in the sky indeed
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    HSC year avoiding games?

    Yep, I totally believe you :apig:
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    HSC year avoiding games?

    Haha, 'skills' fuck you make me laugh, next you'll be telling me how you train your fingers with weights!
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    HSC year avoiding games?

    News flash, every game you play is pretty fucking pointless. Trying to convince yourself that you're not wasting time is like having sex with another man but telling yourself you're not gay cos you were the one giving. Also lol at having a steering wheel.
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    draft timetable

    Oct 22 :|
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    Conception Day 08

    Shows how much I've been out of it, almost forgot it was this week!
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    Looking to buy a Laptop; Should I get a Mac OS or stick with a Windows OS?

    Well thats untrue then since there are ways to get leopard going on x86
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    Looking to buy a Laptop; Should I get a Mac OS or stick with a Windows OS?

    Sorry, I must've been asleep when Microsoft decided to start manufacturing computers? edit: And as far as I know, the only limitation preventing Mac OSX being installed on x86 has been a *gasp* authentication chip/program on the Mactels?
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    universities artificialy inflating UAI cutoffs

    Re: Unis 'are inflating scores' lol. Do yourself a favour and go study instead of trying to figure out if you can get in via some sort of convulated 'trick'.
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    2008 NRL Premiership

    Cracking game.
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    Does anybody know of any Cultural studies Courses?

    Bachelor of Arts in Media and Cultural Studies @ MQ You don't need any science and you also have access to Anthropology, Ancient/Modern History, Media, Philosophy and other subject areas while doing this.
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    Macquarie University Merit Scholar Scholarship

    I would include it, but also with an explanation as to why documentation cannot be provided. This negates the questions about 'fudging' your expertise and experiences.
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    Macquarie University Merit Scholar Scholarship

    *sigh* Maybe its just me, but ok: You get 98.5, you're a Merit Scholar. You submit that form in, and seeing as there are 7 odd character 'evaluation' areas, then it would be logical to assume that you would have to be a fairly well-rounded character to get one of these. You're...