I had to tell centrelink over and over that I wasn't sleeping with the gay couple I was currently living with. Or buying a house with etc.
The 3rd form I wrote at the bottom where it asks for comments: "THEY'RE GAY".
Thus stopped asking me to fill in forms.
you can get ingrowns whether you shave/wax/epilate, its just what happens when you screw around with hair.
Just use this when you shower or bathe...
^You don't even have to use stupid scented sandy stuff like I choose to if you use that.
My epilator pamphlet says clearly not to use it on the face.
Imagine plucking the hairs on your face instead of shaving. Tears swelling much? (if this is nick and not lauren)
EDIT: And yeah is that Lauren? :p
Yes its the massaging heads one! I love it! Yeah i got scared too. I put it on the slow speed first because I was totally intimidated.
Yah I bought sexy mango smelling exfoliating stuff from the Body Shop today. I loofah it up big time. Seriously I love my legs now and I love this...
Oh. my. god.
I recently bought an epilator from Myer. This deserves its own thread from its sheer goodness. You know how when you buy like a bra or a pair of jeans and theyre just so FRIKIN GOOD that you need to share this awesomeness around? This is what it is. You don't understand...
"Journey has obstacles. Text A shows this by use of this technique. Blah blah blah. In contrast/similarly/alternatively/likewise, Text B shows this by use of this technique."
Does that help?
The more I bring up my future to lecturers about how I am starting honours subjects next year and how I want to do a Masters in Design Science later, the more they urge me to do a PHD instead.
I can't see any good that comes out of a phd besides possible research grants, prestige, self...
I watch it every week, since it started. My boyfriend is heaps into it, so I just watch it with him. I'm really into it now.
...anyone notice how many Law and Order actors in there? I think I picked 4 so far.
I don't think Australia gives a damn about overpopulation. Baby bonus? What's that for?
To an extent its a country by country thing. But in theory, I agree. Just not necessarily in practice.
More like analysis of chords and how one should follow the other. That sounds fairly simple and all, but its not. Things like mixture chords, secondary dominants, suspensions, if they even mean anything to you :p Basically Bach and all those musicians after followed some musical rules that...
My harmony exam was a 9am exam. I woke up 15 minutes before it was going to start.
Ended up 40 minutes late. It ate in all my time.
The result?
MCGY 2011 Harmony and Analysis 4 48.0 Pass (Concessional)
Seriously I'm glad I'm just not doing the subject again, that's all! :D
Why this thread is closed
The specific event has been a big thing across all the moderators - it being open/closed, whatever. We were concerned of students and the students family's feelings by having this as an open discussion in the first place. But this thread...