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    Semester I Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester I 2007 - Chatter Thread! Fight the system, dude!
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    Semester I Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester I 2007 - Chatter Thread! Why were there police in OTC? I was leaving it and I had to stand aside for about half a dozen policemen, and it's not as if it's a hotbed of crime or revolutionary discontent. I was sitting in the quad during the people-talking-to-the-crowd bit and one of...
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    Union Board Elections 2007

    Re: The Official Union Board Elections 2007 Thread Angus McStupidMySpace-StylePhoto, in Honi: I don't understand. Why does a candidate's position on VSU affect why you should vote for them? It's not as if the union board is in a position to reverse VSU.
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    MyUni Stuffup

    I barely ever use either, so it doesn't affect me very much. :)
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    Applying to an AMERICAN university.
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    MyUni Stuffup

    It was stuffing up a bit for me earlier, but it's back now. Your mileage may vary.
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    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    Ha. Yeah, I have vertical fiscal imbalance and accountability issues on the brain at the moment, which sort of explains my overly detailed response to a dry-as-dust topic.
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    oral / fingering and STDs

    Or if you sleep with someone who has AIDS. Who might not be a junkie, but might have slept with someone else who has AIDS. And so on down the line. Also, there are a few non-HIV STDs that are really nasty, like syphilis. It's not as common as it once was, and damage can be averted if you get in...
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    Important Dates, 2007

    Is there usually much difference between the draft version and the final version? I'm hoping that my two exams don't move, since they're pretty attractively placed at the moment.
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    Do my essays for me?
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    Anyone finding it ridiculously difficult to answer one of Prof Pryor's really broad questions in only a thousand words? Thank god for doing the tute presentation on the same subject, or I wouldn't know where to start.
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    Why we need religion....

    Dawkins and co. are idiots. Reasonable people don't lump all Christians together.
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    Why we need religion....

    Invalid comparison. 'Secular humanist associations' don't exist to do charity work, so it's unreasonable to compare them to an organisation that exists to do just that. But there are plenty of non-religious charities, and lots and lots and lots of secular humanists donate to charity or do...
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    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    Maybe 'shambles' is too strong a word. But the system badly needs reform, because it gives rise to blame-shifting and hence confuses accountability, which is bad for democracy. I mean, how do we come to a resolution of the dispute about private-school funding if no one even seems to know which...
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    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    I agree that something needs to be done about the federal-state issue. Federalism in Australia is an absolute shambles. Negotiation would probably be a better tactic than the federal government trying to impose things from on high, but Howard and Costello control the purse strings so they tend...
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    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    If anyone wants to read Kevin Rudd's keynote speech to the ALP national conference, entitled 'A Party for the Future', it's available here.
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    paying to get into courses

    Most courses can be entered via the full-fee route, in which you pay the entire cost of the course upfront (although you can take a loan out from the government and pay it back through the tax system). The UAI cutoffs for full-fee are normally a few points below the HECS cutoffs, sometimes more...
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    Big Brother 07

    Big Brother normally rates pretty acceptably. 1.1m or thereabouts, which is OK for a show in its seventh season. It also brings in lots of cash from all the SMS votes from teenage girls whose parents pay their phone bills, which is presumably why they now ask the audience to vote for what...
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    Union Board Elections 2007

    Re: The Official Union Board Elections 2007 Thread Couple of questions from a Usyd elections newbie: -How does the balloting and counting work? (Preferential, first-past-the-post, etc. I'm an elections nerd, I need to know these things.) -Does having an Access card automatically register you as...
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    Union Board Elections 2007

    Re: The Official Union Board Elections 2007 Thread Can we organise a duel? Pistols at dawn would liven up the campaign considerably.