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    Semester I exam chatter

    They actually were essays, had an intro, body and conclusion. Except we were given the questions before hand, so I only had to regurgitate the 10 or so pages that I had memorised.
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    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    official timetable :D (for now)
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    Semester I exam chatter

    pfft we had to do 3 essays in 1 hour for ARIN 1000 final exam :p
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    Semester I exam chatter

    Carslaw 251 for MATH1902 friday
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    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    Haha i didnt realise mine has INFO10042, so i guess its just the stream or something
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    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    Yeah discrete. Either way, whether i stay at usyd or unsw itll be pointless doing MATH1904. If i stay at usyd i need to do MATH2069 - Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory for my major, and that covers MATH1904 anyway. If i go unsw i would have to redo their discrete math unit as its 6 CP and...
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    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    im so dropping MATH1904 to get wednesdays off :p
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    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    er where did you see math10042?
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    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    According to the sign on the student centre today, 12:30-1:30 at Madsen during the exam period
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    Semester I exam chatter

    I left out that damn 'prove that there are two solutions' question, couldnt remember the method even though i covered it last night. Also left out that parametric equations of the curve thing. Other then that, got most of the rest :) Best case scenario, although unlikely, ~90, worst case ~70...
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    MATH1901 help

    I dont think its in the course but you have to use 3d vector (sorry if your link explains this Xayma because i didnt check it out :p) Didnt try the first part but i think you use: grad = fx(x,y)i + fy(x,y)j + fz(x,y)k For the second part, use the tangent's equation and you'll get the...
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    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    I dont want to do 30 CP, its just that the webCt wont let me drop one of the subjects that I want to, so i have to go beg student centre to let me drop it. And im still here for this semester :p
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    Semester I exam chatter

    First exam results in. Distinction for ARIN 1000 :)
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    Phys1901 Past Exams

    If i remember my software lecturer correctly, there is a 14% maximum for Distinctions or above, I think for any other grades there is no maximum
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    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    Yeah i have that same issue with MATH 1005. You can either have two 8 am or two 11 am streams but i need to take one 8 am and one 11 am lecture because of clashes
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    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    "Your timetable has difficult clashes and needs to be allocated by a timetable advisor. See the Student Centre." Not a good sign :( Mind you I have 30 CP and they wont let me drop a unit online so i have to show up in person to fix it
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    Mellonie, could you please only post a question in one forum. This question is an extension mathematics one and does not belong here.
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    binomial theorem: independant term of x

    Im assuming thats to me? If so you wouldn't be the first to say that. Criticism noted :)
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    I initially put it into the bank to pay for next semester but then purchased my new PC instead.
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    good luck for exams

    good luck all. haha chem people have exams tomorrow!