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  1. inasero

    Inner Journeys

    praps...think about something which is not so black and in Amy Tan's "The Joy Luck Club" whereas the journey is riddled with potholes and dead ends, metaphorically speaking
  2. inasero

    Double degrees/Combined degrees

    definitely not!! in combined you mix and math subjects from ur degrees, but in double degree you do subjects separately... eg the engo/science one i am looking at requires two years of engineering...then transfer to facvlty of science for one year to do your science, then transfer back to...
  3. inasero

    incorrect dimension in second drawing question ?

    lol yeah they said that the radius was 45 which is obviously impossible...the DIAMETER is 45
  4. inasero

    Survived 6 Years

    hey tis not over till the fat lady sings...which is tomolo :)
  5. inasero

    Chem Dp Help~ \(^0^")/ <----gay

    errr.....okei then mate what have you been smoking?
  6. inasero

    SMH article

    i think the argument can go both ways....i agree that the old syllabus was fairly lmited in that it was merely rote learning and application of formulae but this new syllabus is overkill in terms of societal impact and essential balance needs to be struck between these two ideally~...
  7. inasero

    Naturally occuring bases?

    wow good stuff....thanks
  8. inasero

    Naturally occuring bases?

    stfu u noob :)
  9. inasero

    Naturally occuring bases?

    i think you're pretty set and know your stuff.....dont happy :)
  10. inasero

    water stuff

    you woulndt use gravimetric analysis since not much ppt would form... btw yeah "theoretically" thats true but you wouldnt put the unknown as the analyte in the conical therefore you're should ideally put the water sample in the burette and observe the coulour...
  11. inasero

    Naturally occuring bases?

    what exactly do you mean by "pussy"? Knowing your character, is it wht I tihnk it is? :P im sure you'll find a nice one one day....perhaps...
  12. inasero

    pH question

    then acidic nature of the solution approaches zero pH=-log0.00000000000001= a very large number, simple!
  13. inasero

    water stuff

    actually john forgot to mention that you should add a NH3/NH4+ buffer solution first b4 titrating
  14. inasero

    anyone else going to do badly??

    true that...good luck everybody...were on the home stretch
  15. inasero

    Prac Reports: Fertiliser prac, Esterification prac, Saponification prac

    you're better off dissolving in conc. HCl for two reasons: 1. dissolution is more efficient 2. helps to coagulate the fine BaSO4 ppt 2gether, thereby increasing accuracy of experimental results
  16. inasero

    water stuff

    wrong bro...its the other way around
  17. inasero

    Acid ionisation

    it doesnt really matter does it? whats the diff?
  18. inasero

    pH question

    i concur
  19. inasero

    Acid ionisation

    no it means that subsequent ions MAY be able to to the extent you dont know that unless they give u the ionisation constant
  20. inasero

    Nuclear chem dotpoint.

    eh no worries thats what im here for :)