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  1. inasero

    UNC Med

    lexi: 'sall good...becos it will be reactivated after the HSC, well at least according to MiNAi
  2. inasero

    question thats going 2 be in the test

    not true...the bromine radical damages the ozone layer even more
  3. inasero

    How are law exams/assessments?

    ooohhhh....i see....thank you for clarifying that :)
  4. inasero


    w00t! I now have more posts than Yewon as a consequence of ruthless post deleting :)
  5. inasero


    you never know aye? whats the reverse of eutrophication? cos i have observed this effect numerous times at school... the area betwwen SBHS and SGHS (a.k.a. "the lowers") is a pleasant meadow in dry conditions but magically transforms into a lake overnight given appropriate conditions :)
  6. inasero


    sulphate is the OLD way of spelling it and u should not use much the same way as we say "aluminium" instead of "aluminum" or "hydrochloric acid" instead of "muriatic acid" therefore...S-U-L-F-A-T-E
  7. inasero

    How are law exams/assessments?

    hehe excuse my ignorance as a non-prospective law stoodent...but what exactly does "torts" mean? I've heard it quite alot in legal circles.. also another question...why do we have QCs in Australia when the influence of royalty is virtually nonexistent?
  8. inasero


    yes and becomes land :p
  9. inasero

    stupid BOS ( the actuall bos)

    ehheh what dog?
  10. inasero

    stupid BOS ( the actuall bos)

    wrong!! just cos u repeat the experiment many times and get consistent results does not mean the resulats are sccurate...because the results could be consistently crap you know what I'm saying? wrong again...reliability is how consistent your results well they answer the aim falls...
  11. inasero

    Open Investigation: Testing Fertiliser

    ehheh u thought wrong its only there to dissolve sulfate afaik but thanks anyhows :) by the way based on what you've seen so far what raw mark dya reckon we will need to get band 6 in maths ext 2 this yr?
  12. inasero

    study notes

    mate trust me, 1 ad a half days to cram engo might not seem like alot but you should be able to get through your summary at least twice...good luck!
  13. inasero

    Open Investigation: Testing Fertiliser

    yeah i also have a question pertaining to this experiment...what is the purpose of adding HCl of a known concentration (according to MacMillan)? isn't is only meant to dissolve all of the fertiliser?
  14. inasero

    Someone PLEASE help with this Prac interesting proposal :)
  15. inasero


    its basically the same thing... you should note 1. provides an alternate pathway for the reaction to occur by lowering the AE, thus having greater propotion of reactants overcome this barrier... 2. provide a surface (if heterogenous) where molecules adsorb onto thereby weakening their...
  16. inasero

    Chem Dp Help~ \(^0^")/ <----gay

    the reaosn im asking these questions is cos i believe they are convered inadequately by resources and havent done experiments thoroughly in class, so help would be appreciated
  17. inasero

    Chem Dp Help~ \(^0^")/ <----gay

    hehe now that i have your attention. I would appreciate if you could tell me what u have written for the following: 1. Compare properties of gaseous forms of oxygen and the oxygen free radical 2. anal-yse the info available that indicates changes in atmospheric ozone conc. describe the...
  18. inasero

    so...who is going?

    will be there...hope to see you all 'swell :)
  19. inasero

    study notes

    like frigid said, and still applies for engo, keep on reading thru ur sumamries till u are confident that you know most of it...then make a SUMMARY of your summary and read that... keep on refining your summary until you are left with only the stuff you don't know dont be like a shotgun and...
  20. inasero

    pH question... HELP PLEASE

    ohhh you're treading on thin ice refuting the statements of an ICho winner, but I'm inclined to agree with you since I don't undertsand this higher level Chem (therefore not relevant to syllabus)...