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  1. R

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    isn't that like all philosophy units though?
  2. R

    Elementary school shooting in Conneticut

    well, I'm not on topic at all so I don't blame you.
  3. R

    Elementary school shooting in Conneticut

    Woah, woah, fucking woah. Back the fuck up. He is not my friend. He is some stranger my friend knew like 3 years ago who wrote a comment on my friend's status. Other than that I don't care what you say.
  4. R

    Tickets to a funeral: James Bond is dead but the music is still playing

    he's not even that old! I would still totally bang him though. He has a pretty rocking bod and looks pretty okay in a suit. But sort of out of place too. I like it. (Also, Brosnan looked terrible from the beginning so it's not like he had anywhere to go down to.) Also, completely agree that...
  5. R

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    MATH1903 - Integral Calculus & Modelling (Advanced) Ease - 4/10 Harder than 1901, this unit is pretty much a build upon that and most of the stuff is easy to understand, but it's still a bit of a pain to learn all of the content. It definitely should be worth 6CP not 3. Ugh. Lecturers -...
  6. R

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    Well, I'm not doing PHIL1011 now. :D
  7. R

    Tickets to a funeral: James Bond is dead but the music is still playing

    They were already going to fire her so I assume they would actually be able to really swiftly replace her and get over it anyways. So that's not even a bad part. Most of the rest I agree with except the parts I fell asleep for. I practically never fall asleep in movies and I fell asleep in...
  8. R

    Elementary school shooting in Conneticut

    My friend's acquaintance wrote on her fb status: "They are just set ups in America so they've got a reason to ban guns. If we have nothing to defend ourselves, more of a reason for governments to manipulate there people for 'the greater of our nation'. Which is complete fucking bollocks" I...
  9. R

    HSC ATAR Drinking Game

    Yes. That's what all these posts were about:
  10. R

    HSC ATAR Drinking Game

    I didn't have to I got a ~95 ATAR...?
  11. R

    Elementary school shooting in Conneticut

    They're both considered weapons. BAM! (they both make that noise too)
  12. R

    HSC ATAR Drinking Game

    That's not in one go or for your HSC. I am disappointed. Also,
  13. R

    HSC ATAR Drinking Game

    Well, I did all of my shots in the one glass. :P
  14. R

    HSC ATAR Drinking Game

    so you had all 11+ shots in a short period of time?
  15. R

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 2012-13

    1905 just got adjusted by 2 marks in the final. #swag #should've tried to scab ~9 more marks (2 extra marks in the final got me 3 extra marks overall? By that logic I only needed like 9 more marks in the final to pass FML). FUCK. IF I GOT 14/20 in MC and nothing in SA I would've passed, fuck...
  16. R

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 2012-13

    (They do. lol)
  17. R

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 2012-13

    I'd like to think that since they didn't let us see them until next year it is on them to fix the mistakes (which there are bound to be a lot of). WOT THE FUCK?! Our papers must've been marked by Gavin (the cunt) or the chick that has no idea what she is fucking doing. I fucking hate everyone.
  18. R

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 2012-13

    THANK YOU! Looking at tutorial answers. :3
  19. R

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 2012-13

    I know. It's fucking annoying. lol Yeah... but I actually have a right to see it or something don't I? I'll keep going over people's heads until I get to the VC to fucking see it. :3 Really? lol My friend got 83 and it was his highest mark ever. His highest mark in HSC was ~93 in maths then 87...