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  1. yvettemaree47

    2009ers: How was your school day?

    Re: How was your school day? Yeah me either, though I guess that's what I get for choosing to have 13 units. Yesterday was an okay day. I have a bit of hw I still have to complete, but other than that no complaints as of yet.
  2. yvettemaree47

    Introduce yourself, why not?

    Wow, great photos! 'Sydney Light Rail' and 'Sunset' are my favourites, oh and 'Mickey Mouse Keyring' is pretty cool too. Nothing much... cleaning my room, reading my english texts and preparing for this year. VERY EXCITING STUFF *cough* sarcasm *cough cough* What about you? What have you been...
  3. yvettemaree47

    3 sciences or just 2?

    It entirely depends on your personal preference. I am currently studying chem, bio and SOR and I nearly took physics as well, but decided against it. I have friends who have studied all 3 sciences in the HSC and they coped. You will probably find that by studying 3 sciences some (how much, can...
  4. yvettemaree47

    What does your study area look like? (contains photos)

    Exactly the same with me... I always start studying im my study room, but end up on the floor in my bedroom.
  5. yvettemaree47

    Introduce yourself, why not?

    :wave: Surprise surprise! Look who it is! :) Hi, I'm Yvette - I am Australian also - In yr 11 in 2008 - I love my history and my science - I am always involved in TOO many extra-curricular activities, and - I can't believe Daniel dropped chem!
  6. yvettemaree47

    Study software?

    I use OneNote and find that is quite helpful.
  7. yvettemaree47

    So how was Your first day in yr 11 09'ers!

    My very first day back at school was the swimming carnival :mad1:, but yesterday I started my lessons. I was a good day. I couldn't ask for a better homeroom for the next 2 years... my homeroom is my adv. english class and our homeroom teacher is the english coordinator. And all my teachers seem...
  8. yvettemaree47


    I intend on sitting the UMAT, but who knows if I'll change my mind before that.
  9. yvettemaree47

    2008 Preliminary Roll Call

    Re: Prelim Subjects '08 Advanced English Mathematics Chemistry Biology Ancient History Geography Studies of Religion (1 unit)
  10. yvettemaree47

    HSC Success Seminar

    I heard from the BOS email and I'm attending on the 12th.
  11. yvettemaree47

    What is your favourite subject?

    I would have to say my favourite subject is history, but my favourite subject area is science.
  12. yvettemaree47

    What are your career aspirations?

    I really want to study medicine, but if not medical science will do.
  13. yvettemaree47

    Which subject did you score highest in??

    Exactly the same for me. I think History was the easiest for me because it was nearly identical to my trials. :)
  14. yvettemaree47

    SC Results Thread

    English- 91 Maths- 82 History- 96 Geography- 85 Science- 86 Computer skills- 96 I'm a little upset with Geography and Science, but that will just motivate me to try harder next yr.
  15. yvettemaree47

    What is your test result AVERAGE??

    90.8% I'm quite content with that. Maths was my downfall.
  16. yvettemaree47

    Are you a maths or english person?

    I'm certainly an english person. I really want to improve my maths though.
  17. yvettemaree47

    New Years Resolution

    I have too. Maths is definitely the one subject I want to improve in.
  18. yvettemaree47

    Top 200 Schools (Daily Telegraph) - 2007

    Re: Top 200 Schools - 2007 Wow, my school went up 9 places :)
  19. yvettemaree47

    Irp Survey: Anorexia. Please Do =]

    I am a: girl I am: 16 I have a reasonable knowledge on anorexia: true I know someone with anorexia: false I have experienced anorexia: false I am experiencing anorexia: false The cause of anorexia is Media...
  20. yvettemaree47

    School Reports

    Congrats! :)