Talk about customers, by 5pm (closing time) this evening I had been reduced to tears. I was that angry I cried. It had been building up over the week and I was either going to scream or cry and I chose the second option.
Special consideration is different to EAS (which had its cutoff on September 30). Special consideration is appealing straight to the uni to ask them to take you in directly (i.e not through UAC and cutoffs). Its worth a try, the worst they can say is no, and you'd be in the same position you are...
If I worked harder I could have done better. But I made the decision that I wanted to have a balanced life and working my fingers to the bone so-to-speak just wasn't going to make for an enjoyable last year of school (they need to make school one year longer or have the HSC in year 11 so we can...
We had compulsary team sport up until year 12, where you could either volunteer to be an official or go home that afternoon. We had comps in soccer, netball, tennis and hockey and you had to choose one for the year and were graded into a team.
Prostitution is an illegal act no matter what age you are....
Each store has its own rate....for larger ones they are negotiated by the SDA, but usually aren't much more than the minimum rates set out by the government.
Know your dotpoints. Practice the crime questions from past exams (theres also some in the study guides) all through the year. Crime isn't hard as long as you know your syllabus. Don't worry too much bout current issues.
Those are current criminal justice issues. Select one and research it. How can that be hard to understand?
For eg: the age of criminal responsibility.
What are the associated criminal justice issues? (eg. the notion of doli incapax, should a 10 year old who commits a violent crime...
They can only consider UAIs if you tell them.
They consider the academic stuff u put on your application (and then may contact your academic referee).
However, guys don't fret if your referees haven't been contacted, I applied to Johns and they haven't contacted either of my referees but...