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  1. b0b101

    Personal HSC Timetables are up!

    Mines not there......
  2. b0b101

    Should I drop SDD?

    Drop Chem, SDD is a beautiful subject that has a larger application than most other subjects (that I am aware of). I'm currently working on my major work and coming up for solutions to the problems you face is annoying yet enjoyable. Statistically Chem has more students enrolled therefore the...
  3. b0b101

    Smooth Operator's relationship/love/dating advice thread.

    Dude ya gotta be explicit get touchy freely from the start. Not confidant? Fake it till ya make it. Its easier to get girls fresh than ones you already know lol
  4. b0b101

    Smooth Operator's relationship/love/dating advice thread.

    Protip: Go up to the girl with a full erect penis and whip it out. Say this exactly "My penis has a full sized erection for you. I want to engage in coitus with you." She'll be all over you in no time. /s Just chill with her, get touchy feely but not creepily if she doesn't like it get over it...
  5. b0b101

    Gimme a problem

    For Personal Projects I found out that if you see a problem in your everyday life and try to solve that you will have a greater conviction to finish and put out a high quality project/product
  6. b0b101

    comp science at unsw or usyd

  7. b0b101

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Good day today, wrote my notes for the whole first topic for economics and started my Software Design and Development major project.
  8. b0b101

    How Did You Keep Organised?

    Fuck paper, I guarantee that by 2040 we will planting more trees than cutting down for paper
  9. b0b101

    How Did You Keep Organised?

    Protip: Bring a small bag so you have to throw out all the useless sheets you get.
  10. b0b101

    Swedish police raid the pirate bay, site offline

    What private trackers are you on?
  11. b0b101

    engineering work experience

    Talk to any contacts you may have in the field and network (talk) to as many people as possible get emails phone numbers ect. You might get a job out of it.
  12. b0b101

    Swedish police raid the pirate bay, site offline

    Just look at the cached google pages and get the magnet links from there lol
  13. b0b101

    Who's going to practice eugenics

    As a product of accidental eugenics. Eugenics will help Civilization move forward
  14. b0b101

    So what are you guys playing at the moment?

  15. b0b101

    $20,000 Bentley/Nokia Phone

    I heard the concierge is worth it?
  16. b0b101

    School captain responsibilities

    School Captain responsibilities a) Jerk off the principle b) Look good c) a) & b) at the same time (Not common)
  17. b0b101

    Do you post on any other forums beside BOS?

    Wonder what features Cyanogen Inc will add
  18. b0b101

    Do you post on any other forums beside BOS?

    France will win the Davis cup lol
  19. b0b101

    Do you post on any other forums beside BOS?

    lol nexus 7 2013 on 4.4.4 stock with Xposed. Had to downgrade from 5.0 for office :(