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  1. I

    what raw exam mark do you need for a band 4 in english standard?

    In 2009, a raw mark of 61 got pulled up to a 74. Considering this years test was quite a bid harder than 2009 I'd say that a ~60% should easily get you a band 4.
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    Section 3 - Extended Response

    Nope, most of the people who did Strictly Ballroom, The Crucible + others feel just like you.
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    Raw Marks

    How about standard?
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    strictly ballroom and places?

    This was the worst question they could ask for strictly ballroom. The whole damn movie practically takes place in doors. I talked about how communities are a part of the 'place', and how a connection to them (or lack of) can influence an individual's feelings of belonging. In any case my...
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    Section 3 - Extended Response

    How the **** does this question relate to strictly ballroom?!?! All of my rage all of it.
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    I cant fucking sleep

    Continue studying, sleep is for the weak.
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    Biology raw mark band 6

    Biology doesn't scale down
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    2010 HSC Exam

    Have you tried doing it? IMO most people think it's hard because they don't like the topic. It's actually pretty damn easy for a Q7.
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    Raw mark for band 6

    From what I've heard, in the 2009 HSC a raw mark of 61 resulted in a 74. So I'd be guessing that a raw ~85% should get a high band 5/low band 6.
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    Raw mark for band 6

    Fuck that, so it basically doesn't align or scale at all?
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    English Standard Aligned Marks

    Would you have any idea what raw mark would be required for a band 6?
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    English Standard Aligned Marks

    I vaguely remember looking at somebodies raw marks for standard English a couple of months ago. IIRC their raw marks were aligned from ~67 -> 70-72. I just need to say, this was quite a long time ago and I might have confused these marks with another subject. You should wait for somebody...
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    How many words?!?!

    Roughly: Belonging - 1300 Mod A - 1000 Mod B - 1600 :S Mod C - 1200
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    Using the same related text for two modules?

    Thanks for the answers guys. Why don't you prepare a backup? There's still 5 days to go until the second English paper. Also, I heard that one of my friends is using a core text as a related text for a different module? I was fairly sure that this wasn't allowed but he assured me that his...
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    Using the same related text for two modules?

    Hey guys, I'm planning on using the same related text for modules A & C. However, I just heard from my sister that this is supposedly not allowed. Can anyone confirm this?
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    Hardest HSC Advanced Mathematics Exam in the last 10 years?

    Is 2003 the one with that snow plow question?
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    How much are people getting in the 3U exam on average?

    I was thinking of doing something similar if I get the time. Here's a nice 3u question if anybody is up for a challenge.
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    Biology option scaling - The human story

    Does anybody know how well this option scales (on average)? What would 18/25, 20/25, 22/25 scale to respectively? Speculation is welcome.