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  1. I

    Raw marks for a band 6 in standard english

    Title says it all. I've been looking over the website however I haven't been able to turn up much as most of the people who have posted their raw marks in the past did adv. I realize that the value will fluctuate every year. I'm just looking for an estimation. Thanks in advance for any help.
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    concentration of solution - water (2)

    Copper nitrate is in excess, not sodium hydroxide. I worked it out to be 0.122g, did it on a shitty calculator without paper so it might be wrong.
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    CSSA- Biology

    I'm fairly sure the quote is describing either an endotherm (or possibly both endotherms and ectotherms. The article only makes reference to an 'animals' rate of metabolism, but since it's in an article describing endotherms I'd think it's the first.) You can find it here...
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    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    Re: Which university is more reputable,credible, and better for Business/Commerce Could you explain this a bit more?
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    CSSA- Biology

    Anybody else think that question 19 from the CSSA multiple choice was wrong? From the paper: ______________________________________________________________________________ 19. An endotherm has been defined as an animal that can control its body temperature by internal mechanisms. A student...
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    wtf do i do guize...

    Break up with her right before the trials/HSC Higher rank for you = profit = the only thing you need to be concerned about.
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    how long should u spend on average for each question in a maths extension I exam?

    Usually 5-15 on questions 1-6 and then the rest of the time on question 7.
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    CSSA Maths trial marks

    I'd be willing to bet a large sum of money that he'll be back again by tomorrow lol
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    CSSA Maths trial marks

    inb4 that idiot failure of a maths tutor
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    You got a gobby at a fancy place? Honestly, you brought this all upon yourself. You should have left him the moment you started having doubts about what he was telling you.
  11. I

    Scared about getting trial marks back?

    Yeah, with the amount of times I've seen you post on here I can tell how busy you are with your own shit. Also, son, if you're going to base your claims on <10 people failing, I can't even begin to explain how stupid you are. Why are you so intent on seeking revenge? What did the people on this...
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    Scared about getting trial marks back?

    Why don't you just leave? I believe I speak for the community when I say that nobody wants your shitty tutoring.
  13. I

    Scared about getting trial marks back?

    Not scared, slightly excited. Like that feeling you get before opening a present.
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    Raw marks required for a 99+ ATAR?

    Wow, I guess I'm not doing anywhere near as badly as I thought. Thanks a lot for your answers, really appreciate it.
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    Raw marks required for a 99+ ATAR?

    Jeez, that's a bit lower than I expected for chem... If you're right then you just made my day :) I've got one last question... say I get the following raw marks, approximately what kind of atar would I be looking at? Biology - 94 Chemistry - 92 Maths - 118/120 3U - 76/84 Standard - 95/105...
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    Raw marks required for a 99+ ATAR?

    Hey guys, I'm curious as to what raw marks I'd need to get in the HSC to obtain an atar of 99+. I'm still reading over the technical arcana/guidance & counselling sections so I apologize if a similar question has been answered. I ranked 1st/2nd for almost all of my subjects before the trials...
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    Hey, I just want to say that I really appreciate what you're doing :) If you could send me your notes it would definitely make my a life a bit easier. Here's my email
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    When are people getting their CSSA trials back?

    For my maths exams I'd expect them back upon returning, chemistry and biology by the end of the week and English by the end of the term...
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    Help :(

    O.K. this is how it goes. You get an orangutan. I'm not talking a little monkey or some some dancing chimp bullshit, I mean a fucking orangutan. Don't ask me how you're gonna get a fucking orangutan, that's not my problem. So the orangutan's name is Clyde. This is non-negotiable, all orangutans...