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  1. MiuMiu

    Cold War

    I did Gorbachev, talked about his contribution; his proceeding old & sick leaders, his willingness to participate in peace talks and weapons limitations, his concentration on domestic problems in USSR (glasnost & perestroika), his failure to save USSR from collapse (which ultimately brought...
  2. MiuMiu

    I've Got A Questions Kids

    no your raw mark isn't scaled by UAC, your HSC mark is the one that is scaled. If your HSC mark (a combination of your moderated assessment and exam marks) is in the 90;s (or band six), your name will appear in the paper....
  3. MiuMiu

    How was it?

    Before we started our presiding officer said kinda laughing 'and I hear this is the easiest test they've ever given you guys'. He was right, it was like year 10 science!!
  4. MiuMiu

    How long before the end did you leave?

    I could have finished the test in an hour if I was in a hurry. I really took my time and took bout 2, then checked over it for another 1/2 hour and left at 4:30
  5. MiuMiu

    Our Whole Class Is Gettin Misadventure

    you should have taken the initiative to ask another teacher for help or bring the issue up with your school months ago. Misadventure only gives youyour assessment mark anyway so you'd wanna hope you did alright during the year. This doesn' sound like grounds for misadventure to me though.
  6. MiuMiu

    How are you feeling?

    Ignore him he just wants to start a fight, don't give him the satisfaction.
  7. MiuMiu

    Im So Scared

    omg I feel exactly the same
  8. MiuMiu

    Coldwar Essay

    yeah Im studying my crisis, detente and summit meetings. Heres hoping the question is one of them....
  9. MiuMiu


    you can't put the exam back a couple of days, it runs once and once only. You can go and do the exam and apply for misadventure at the end. That is the best way cos if you still do well in your exam you can still have that marks.
  10. MiuMiu

    Place your bets here for Tort vs Contract

    I can't wait to find out the answer to this one cos Im sure theres gunna be an uproar either way. I hope they make it both to suit everyone.
  11. MiuMiu

    what do you think you will get?

    hehe yeah everyone has said to me 'theres no way you'll be able to wait' and one of my teachers threatened to ring up and blurt out all my marks before I got a chance to hang up, but I think I'll make sure Im rostered on to work that day so the opportunity isn't there.....
  12. MiuMiu

    crime question 3 and 4

    hehe wonderful philosophy
  13. MiuMiu

    what do you think you will get?

    Im not looking at my results till I know my UAI. Cos that day will be a day of hell (waiting kills me!!)
  14. MiuMiu

    Multiple Choice Q8 and Q9

    It doesn't have to be written down and signed for it to be a contract. [b] Actually, he's like NO other person in here. He owns and runs this forum. And a law student also.
  15. MiuMiu

    Australian High School subjects

    I guess I know all that stuff cos I have two older half-sisters who Ive watched do it all before, so for me such a course would be tedious and uninteresting. I have loved years 11 & 12 the most cos I can say that I adored all of the courses I did and loved learning for learning's sake. However...
  16. MiuMiu

    Look At Q. 7 !!!

    There is actually a contract with everything you purchase, but it is with the vendor, not the manufacturer.
  17. MiuMiu

    multiple choice Q10

    A) Doctrine of Precedent--irrelevant to customary law at all C) Native Title-- a concept coined by the common law in the mabo case in 1996. NOT a feature of customary law (which doesn't just refer to Aboriginals) D) Terra Nullis-- a European term, nothing to do with customary law Thus, the...
  18. MiuMiu

    Look At Q. 7 !!!

    but that was because the people who she actually bought the ticket off were the ones who cancelled it. In this case, chris is not suing the vendor but the manufacturer.
  19. MiuMiu

    Legal Studies in General

    Yeah adamj is right in those regards, legal studies is more 'law & society' instead of law. Law at uni is strictly the facts. However if you are a social sciency person you will love it, and if you're interested in it you won't find it hard at all (thus that will get you higher marks and a...
  20. MiuMiu

    How many weeks have you got left until you finish the HSC?

    I finish on the the 12th with histX. So three more weeks....