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  1. MiuMiu

    Its Not a speech, its an interview

    I can assure you they don't change the marking criteria cos everyone did it wrong.
  2. MiuMiu

    practice multiple choice

    Ive done them a million times already
  3. MiuMiu


    they can't ask a specific question. What you've done is fine.
  4. MiuMiu

    I think we are all going to do bad

    screw you
  5. MiuMiu


    What people fail to see is they are looking for things to give you marks FOR, not take them away. They start at zero and go from there, not start at 20 and take marks off.
  6. MiuMiu

    how many pages are there in each writing booklet??

    Nah the big number on the front corresponds with what exam it is
  7. MiuMiu

    writing with blue pen

    yeah it says blue or black on the front of the paper. Although I don't think you would get penalised for writing in pink, it would just give the markers the shits and thus taint their mark. But I write in black, considering changing to blue so they can't use me for the standards package....
  8. MiuMiu

    wheres the examples ?

    if no one has sent the standards packages into BoS, then no.
  9. MiuMiu

    wheres the examples ?

    if no one has sent the standards packages into BoS, then no.
  10. MiuMiu

    ONLY for Family & Workplace People! (Optional Focus Study)

    Yeah Ive picked my issues and are just memorising associtated legislation etc...I then just mould it into the question that is asked.
  11. MiuMiu

    Collective Human Rights

    Your appropriate example would be Indigenous person's right to self determination, their right to control their own affairs.
  12. MiuMiu

    Help on the most common questions

    Mandatory sentencing is an issue for the crime section, not law & society. However, you will almost certainly be asked about a contemporary human rights issue, the most common is Mandatory Detention of asylum seekers and the human rights this violates.
  13. MiuMiu

    COME ON GUYS, tell u wat, GET OFF BOS

    Hehe Ive done my study, feeling alright.
  14. MiuMiu

    CASE STUDIES >> cheating

    The best students make up their cases if they can't think of one. But try and remember case studies as teachers will recognise the common ones and this will leave a good impression. However, there is nothing to say you haven't done your own research to find cases to support your argument. The...
  15. MiuMiu

    Cold war game!

    many summit meetings happened around the period of detente, they originally helped to reduce tensions, but in the last few summit meetings of this period things became tense again as each side pushed harder for their interests.
  16. MiuMiu

    Study game: Germany

    Definitely 1933. Hehe although the first line in the excel books states it was 1930. Major typo really, you would think they would pick that up in the final edit...
  17. MiuMiu

    Lack Of Identification?

    Yeah we got those blue cards, everyone does. But I have been just initialling it, only realised yesterday that the supervisor probably checks it against the signatures we submitted a little while ago. But meh. The supervisor has photos of everyone. If anything seems suss they can check it in...
  18. MiuMiu

    Our whole school gets misadventure

    Misadventure doesn't work by just adding on a mark here or there. If the situation is assessed to have merit, they will first look at how the rest of the state goes, and then your ranks and assessment marks. In the long run you'll probably end up worse off for it.....
  19. MiuMiu

    wtf is enjambment??

    hehe don't worry bout Mr Inzamann, it is either the original Sourie who gave us a bit of entertainment during HSC last year or an entertaining poser, either way, bring it on darling!!
  20. MiuMiu

    How many marks would I lose for analysing 3 texts?

    Yeah you are really meant to mention all three, cos you were meant to talk about the third one (that is, the one you didn't choose) and why it wasn't as appropriate as the other two. So don't stress, you actually did the right thing.