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  1. MiuMiu

    Human Rights

    detention centres will be the best thing to write about because markers are impressed by relevant issues to the time as well as things that scrutinize the effectiveness of domestic Australian law in protecting human rights.
  2. MiuMiu

    Q from 1999 paper

    A social contract. But this will not be asked in the exam as it is not addressed in the syllabus.
  3. MiuMiu

    Family Law... Sex changes!!!

    You've gotta wonder what the wife was thinking? I mean, was she really a lesbian? Its gotta screw you up marrying someone that used to have the same bits as you (when you aren't actually gay).
  4. MiuMiu

    does your school give you presents?

    From what Ive heard around the place we get a metal photo frame engraved with our Year 12 2003 and the school logo inset. Dunno what Im gunna use it for but the thought is there.
  5. MiuMiu


    eek, if you haven't started, you should probably start now....3 weeks and counting.
  6. MiuMiu

    WHO cant wait 4 the MTV music awards ! ? !

    is that you dicky?
  7. MiuMiu

    How crap is Australian Idol??

    says you
  8. MiuMiu


    Im getting a laptop tomorrow :)
  9. MiuMiu

    Why does being at a good school matter?

    The school you attend is not taken into account when awarding marks, this would be discrimination. However, unless you are ranked in the top 3 or so in your class, it is important that your class does well, because if the top 3 people fall on their faces in the exam, you also do by default for...
  10. MiuMiu

    Free Uai Estimater???

    It was stressed to us to never pay for a UAI prediction, and to never take them too seriously. Its nice to play around with numbers when it isn't costing you anything, but just work as hard as you can, cos if you do that you will get the UAI you deserve.
  11. MiuMiu

    HSC 2002 School Rankings

    Hehe my school isn't on that list.....we only have 80 in year 12, and Im sure not everyone will get a mention on the merit list!!!
  12. MiuMiu

    Advice for Year 12 needed!!!

    Get cracking on your major work straight away. You can get it knocked off with a month's solid work--most people do the bulk of their work in the last month anyway so if you can get it done before christmas thats one unit out of the way. Don't stress bout English Extension 1--TOTAL pushover. I...
  13. MiuMiu

    what are the grounds of a teacher giving u zero?

    Omg take your head out of your arse!! You do like to sound all high & mighty don't you!! Anyway, at my school, we are given the marking scale before we commence each assessment task and it says clearly under the criteriae for recieving zero 'non-attempt, plaigerism, malpractice, failure to...
  14. MiuMiu

    Caltex Award

    Yeah Caltex is best allrounder. But I don't think we have any, so whoever gets it doesn't really deserve it anyway.....
  15. MiuMiu

    now yr 12 is over, what was your fav subject?

    The HSIE subjects are the bst. But then again we have an awesome HSIE department at my school so I might be biased.
  16. MiuMiu

    now yr 12 is over, what was your fav subject?

    social sciences is HSIE
  17. MiuMiu

    Family Law... Sex changes!!!

    If anyone wants the entire case brief on this, pm me and I'll try and organise a copy to be sent out (through the mail, Im not typing the whole thing out!!)
  18. MiuMiu

    Family Law... Sex changes!!!

    Yep, I found my case sheet on this this morning. The judge allowed the marriage because it was considered at the time of the marriage that Kevin was a man, and could not have fit into society as a woman. This is considered to be a grey area currently, with the legislation still stating that...
  19. MiuMiu

    Year 11 is Over

    May I suggest starting your Ext 2 mw and Ext Hist research over these holidays, cos you will never get them done otherwise. Seriously.
  20. MiuMiu

    PIP ideas 4 next yr

    there was a good one this year on greek worry beads