I'm visiting my grandparents, then I'm going to da f00teee!!1! then I'm probs gonna come home and sleep, and tomorrow I'm probs just gonna chill/study.
Yeah, I didn't think I ever read in primary school, and then I remembered all the Deltora Quest, Goose Bumps, etc. and Roald Dahl books.
Did you know they made Deltora Quest into a tv show? (it's pretty shit)
Omg, pisses me off so much. So many people gon' get runned over.
Also, is it bad I read that like Gossip Girl; "Spotted: Riproot on George Street."
What units do I need to complete to major in biochemistry, anatomy and histology, molecular biology and genetics, neuroscience, immunobiology, medicinal chemistry, microbiology, physiology, and plant sciences? (and by that I mean separately)
My difficulty is that when I clicked science it was like "lol, no science. Science is back here." and then I went back to a site I had already rummaged through that tells you what you learn not what units you have to do to get the major.
Then I went to the engineering thingy and it was like...
Kill yourself.
Also, the uni website is extremely difficult to navigate, can someone tell me how I find out what units I have to do to major in something?
I only read parts of 1-5. Then gave up.
I read like the first ~150 pages of 1, 2 and 5 and ~50 pages of 3 and 4.
So boring.
Nup. I've enjoyed a few fantasies in my day (deltora quest and Roald Dahl books were the gr8est), and I've read a few murder mystery-like things, but I just didn't enjoy...