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  1. T


    He better watch it.
  2. T

    Is their going to be a stike this Thursday, NSW

    My school's striking on Wednesday because there is some performance on on the Thursday which can't be changed. Oh well - at least it is still a day off.
  3. T

    What do your teachers think of us???

    My mate told me about it. Only time it's came up in class if when we go Yay! we can use BOS - and they are like, it's Board not Bored! Meh.
  4. T


    Maybe? But I hardly ever watch TV anyway.
  5. T

    Why do people equate height with power?

    It's you. :]
  6. T

    Why do people equate height with power?

  7. T

    Why do people equate height with power?

    I'm just saying what I've been told.
  8. T

    Why do people equate height with power?

    I got told that it is something to do with they are higher up, so it shows like a 'status'. Same reason why teachers stand in lessons while students sit. It gives that idea of power/status.
  9. T


    OMG OMG OMG Are you serious??? *going to check TV guide* EDIT: YES!! If I hadn't of seen this thread I ssoo would have missed it.
  10. T

    Does God exist?

  11. T

    Most commonly craved food?

  12. T

    T.I.L.F s?

    No way you FILTHINATOR!
  13. T

    Pens: favourite type, colour etc

    Re: blue or black pen? Black for sure. I always used to use blue, but then one time a teacher told me it's easier if you write in black. So I changed. Now it's weird for my eyes if I use blue.
  14. T

    Time goes by too quickly?

    Agreed. It feels like about week 2. I've done no work all term. Not at home anyway. Tired. Bed. Night.
  15. T

    T.I.L.F s?

    You don't want to go there!
  16. T

    Music where you think the artist understands you.

    That song used to make me cry whenever I listened to the whole thing. No longer happens.
  17. T

    Earthquake in China

    I didn't even know.
  18. T

    Chemistry Help!

    Yep you're right there. We were told to remember it by: Oil Rig. O - Oxidation I - Is L - Loss R - Reduction I - Is G - Gain
  19. T

    Are you still going to attend school AFTER the trial exams?

    Our trials are towards the end of August, and we don't finish school until 25th September, so I'd say that yeah, we will have to stay at school. What would you do though, just study and stuff or what?