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  1. T

    Gossip Girl

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    It just seems friendly, and cool? I don't know, it's hard to describe really. I just like it? I find Sydney to sort of touristy or something? I'm not sure. I can never answer that question in a way that people can understand.
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    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    Ah okay. So do you have a proper Year 12 photo, and then the muck up one? Or it's just all mucked up!?
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    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    So do you have a specific day for it? Or its on your school photos day and you just muck up for it?
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    I really like Melbourne. I'd have to say more the Sydney. However I only recall going to Sydney about 3 times in my life, not including flying into the airport then flying out again.
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    What brand is your school bag?

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    when are you holding your formal?

    That's the same as us, night after graduation. I'm quite sure. It's either24th, 25th or 26th of September.
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    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    And the difference is?
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    do girls like older men

    Oh really? Madd. How long's that been for?
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    do girls like older men

    Bert. :)
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    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    What makes you decide when your muck up day is?
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    22,000 confirmed dead in Burma(Myanmar)

    Yeah I was thinking it strange I hadn't seen a thread on it. Didn't even know about it until dinner last night when it was being spoken about. Not sure if its just me, but I've hardly heard anything on it at all.
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    Favourite Students' Quotes

    "Who said that?" = The quote. "I know who she was." = Anne Frank.
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    Favourite Students' Quotes

    I know who said that. Yay. So need to write down some of the classic things people say.
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    Favourite Students' Quotes

    Who said that? I know who she was.
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    Gossip Girl

    What time and what channel is this on now? I haven't watched it since that strike.
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    Year 12 Jerseys

    Oh, we don't? I could have sworn you were the person who sits like 1 seat across from me in English. Ah well.
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    your current favourite song

    Islands - Creeper
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    Year 12 Jerseys

    Yes seriously. I'll show you tomorrow. Well, if I decide to wear it to athletics. [If you don't believe me ask Felicity and Aylett. They had to try pull it down from my right elbow as it was cutting circulation. My arm was going purple.]