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  1. flamearrows

    Does the university you go to really matter?

    Oi, Frigid! Can you believe what this guy is saying about you? The nerve!
  2. flamearrows

    Do you know what career you want to pursue?

    There's not much money in international law, unless you mean international commercial arbitration or perhaps some conflict of law issues...
  3. flamearrows

    Job prospects for Deakin v. Monash law graduates?

    Freehills is the only true top-tier firm in there. Oh, okay. Maybe Clayton Utz though they're doing their best to self-destruct. Maybe. Anyway, no one is ever saying that it's impossible to get a top-tier job with a degree from a non-Go8 university. However, it is far, far harder.
  4. flamearrows

    Important question on the LSAT

    Fairly arguable as genuine pre-estimate of the loss, I think...
  5. flamearrows

    Merits/Opinions on Bond University Law?

    I have a pretty dim view of people who had to pay to get into a law degree and I think that this view is shared by people doing recruiting for commercial law firms.
  6. flamearrows

    Important question on the LSAT

    What do you propose we do about it?
  7. flamearrows

    Worth doing JD at Melbourne Uni?

    I saw that article. That's salaried (new) partners, not equity partners. You move closer to to full-equity status each year you're there (lockstep). Rumour has it that it's about ten years to fully blown equity partner status. Also, it would be very very difficult to get a job in banking with...
  8. flamearrows

    law at university of new england

    Finish your science degree at La Trobe, apply somewhere better. UNE is pretty rubbish.
  9. flamearrows

    How valuable is work experience?

  10. flamearrows

    To be or not to be?!!! Law at UWS

    No citation possible - it's an outright lie. I think there was maybe one at the firm I worked at over the summer (big six), I'd be surprised if there was more than a handful more.
  11. flamearrows

    Pathway to become a judge?

    Yeah, I really dropped the ball here too :(
  12. flamearrows

    Pathway to become a judge?

    Some of those are really quite interesting. I'll pick a fairly undistinguished judge, though. From her swearing-in (heavily abridged): Get the picture, OP? Now quit posting on BOS and go study.
  13. flamearrows

    Does the university you go to really matter?

    Never enough good lawyers. More incentive to study harder.
  14. flamearrows

    Does the university you go to really matter?

    Yeah, I know that a good university education doesn't. But it makes it more likely. Hence less risk. When I say "good" I mostly mean competitive. This is primarily judged on difficulty of entry. Why? Assume that the UAI you receive is a reasonable approximation of your ability as a...
  15. flamearrows

    No Money in Law !?

    That's less good, but still not that bad in the short-run. The only place where you'd consistently work those hours would be in investment banking, where you get paid for it...
  16. flamearrows

    Does the university you go to really matter?

    Yes. The hiring process is inherently risky for the firm. Training costs are high, particularly for graduate solicitors. A high-achieving student from a good university has a lower risk of being unsuitable for the job as, compared to a similarly achieving student from a not-so-good...
  17. flamearrows

    No Money in Law !?

    9 hour days is only 45 hours a week. That's really not that much time at the office. I'm surprised many law firms have 'sleeping areas' but I believe they're fairly common in IB. One of the lawyers where I worked over the summer used to keep a sleeping bag and a bedroll under his desk. He...
  18. flamearrows

    Does the university you go to really matter?

    I don't think it's quite as satirical as it appears...
  19. flamearrows

    Does the university you go to really matter?

    Most people don't know what the acronyms stand for ;)