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  1. flamearrows

    Atar mark needed for law school?

    Even with HSCplus that won't get you into Arts at UNSW...
  2. flamearrows

    Yet another UNSW vs USyd Thread.

    Just in case of what, exactly?
  3. flamearrows

    LAW advice, prequisites, ATAR requirements ect.

    I hope you like grunt work, basically. True at any of the trio (MC/IB/Law), but unfortunately top-tier law doesn't even pay that well in comparison to the hours worked/requirements of getting in the door.
  4. flamearrows

    Atar mark needed for law school?

    ooooh, burn
  5. flamearrows

    LAW advice, prequisites, ATAR requirements ect.

    Callahan only I think. The law degree is not good though if you want to work in a 'prestigious' (for which read 'highly paid') job fresh out of university. You would need to be a seriously exceptional student to get a gig with a top tier law firm and you could almost forget about...
  6. flamearrows

    "The Courtyard" - Law Forum Social Thread

    Gotta get paid, son. p.s. thanks for taking the time
  7. flamearrows

    LAW advice, prequisites, ATAR requirements ect.

    This surprises me, particularly since it apparently applies to 'elite performers' like school captains. I suspect there's a lot more flexibility in the points that they grant than is being made out.
  8. flamearrows

    contract law

    Life is hard like that
  9. flamearrows

    Graduate salaries 2011

    Yeah, those are daily targets.
  10. flamearrows

    How much do grades matter after Law School?

    I wonder about this. Everything is bell-curved at UNSW, so if someone goes from getting passes to getting distinctions, someone's gotta be going the other way...
  11. flamearrows

    Needs advice on doing well in contract law

    Man, I charged more than that as a clerk
  12. flamearrows

    Surive Law - "Why I Loved My Clerkship at Freehills"

    Not so sure about 'good intentioned'... These days I increasingly feel like some people really are called to the legal profession. I can't think of any other reason that explains the divergent views of law students - I don't know many people who are ambivalent about a legal career, after...
  13. flamearrows

    Surive Law - "Why I Loved My Clerkship at Freehills"

    Is this the new grassroots advertising? It's poorly done (and poorly proofed - 'surive law').
  14. flamearrows

    Internship/vacation program

    FMAA and LawSoc do a careers guide. Other than that, it's best to make a list of the top employers in your discipline (eg if you're doing accounting, then the Big 4) and just methodically go through their websites.
  15. flamearrows

    Any point transferring from UWS Law to MQ Law?

    Further signs that Mallesons is atop the pile ;)
  16. flamearrows

    Any point transferring from UWS Law to MQ Law?

    Yeah? Which firms? I just don't remember meeting any.
  17. flamearrows

    Any point transferring from UWS Law to MQ Law?

    This is harsh but true - you will seriously struggle to get into investment banking/management consulting with a degree from UWS. You would need to be seriously exceptional. This follows pretty logically. If the banks are interested in the top 10% of students at USyd/UNSW, they're probably...
  18. flamearrows

    Perdisco acct1501...

    Go see your accounting tutor in consultation or send them an email, or even post on the Blackboard discussion forum. This the wrong place to ask.
  19. flamearrows

    Unsw jd / uts jd

    UNSW and USyd are functionally identical in terms of graduate prospects but they both far outstrip UTS. Choose which ever suits you best on the softer factors like: How you like the campus How convenient transport is Whether Newtown or Kensington sounds better as part of your neighborhood etc
  20. flamearrows

    Is anyone planning on working overseas?

    Who said Law?