Search results

  1. flamearrows

    Summer clerkships 2009/2010

    Mallesons interview offer just came through. Waiting now on Blakes, Allens and Minter.
  2. flamearrows

    Summer clerkships 2009/2010

    There is no way that there are firms rejecting everyone. If they did not plan on taking clerks, why would they advertise? It is far more likely that they have just rejected you and the other people on the forum.
  3. flamearrows

    Summer clerkships 2009/2010

    Are people getting calls or emails about Mallesons? I haven't heard anything yet but my phone is broken and can't be fixed until Monday. I didn't get Freehills, got Baker, Corrs, Jones Day and Clutz.
  4. flamearrows


    The D-Dawg speaks! I think what Derek is trying to get across is that court etiquette and the need to prepare technically precise speeches means that using debating techniques will get you shut down real fast. Mooting is pretty fun, though
  5. flamearrows

    HEAPS of questions on Actuarial Studies, PLEASE HELP!

    The same for any of the "heavy" double degrees, I'd say. Shoot for a scholarship and dodge the problem of working part-time.
  6. flamearrows

    Getting Interviewed at an Investment Bank

    Some divisions are less as well. And I dunno - I'd think you'd be doing fairly well to be earning more than $1k per week over most of summer in slightly more typical student employment.
  7. flamearrows

    Attention - People with State Rankings or Olympiad involvement or similar achievement

    Re: Attention - People with State Rankings or Olympiad involvement or similar achieve What if I sit on top of you?
  8. flamearrows

    Attention - People with State Rankings or Olympiad involvement or similar achievement

    Re: Attention - People with State Rankings or Olympiad involvement or similar achieve Email me:
  9. flamearrows

    Tutor: 99.90, 3 state rankings, English 2U, X1&2, Eco, Legal

    Tutor: 99.90, 3 state rankings, English 2U X1 X2, Economics, Legal Studies Hey guys, I'm offering tutoring around the Kensington area of Sydney. I live on campus at UNSW and don't have access to a car, so students who are close and/or with easy acccess from public transport preferred. Discount...
  10. flamearrows

    how many pgs do u write??

    Re: How many words can you write in 1hr I busted out 5600 words in 2005 legal in... probably about 2 hours and 40 minutes. 2100 words an hour. This is on a laptop. My wrists were burning and burning after that little effort.
  11. flamearrows


    Scholarships, eh? I'll talk to my university [UNSW]: Scholarships here are divided into a few distinct categories. Firstly, there's the prestige scholarships. These are generally based on very high marks. Scientia - this pays $10000 a year and requires you to keep an average of 80% or...
  12. flamearrows

    Looking For People That Do Eng Adv, Eng Ext 1, Eng Ext 2, Eco, Legal, Business + Math

    Re: Looking For People That Do Eng Adv, Eng Ext 1, Eng Ext 2, Eco, Legal, Business + I did English adv, EE1, EE2, Mafs adv, ME1, Eco and Legal... Considering ME1 didn't end up counting we're pretty bloody close.
  13. flamearrows

    Australian Students Prize

    Yup, I got it too. My best guess would be all marks over 94... (which I got)
  14. flamearrows

    Australian Students Prize

    Yeah, I did. And the Australian Students Prize is a $2000 payment to the top 500 students in Australia. Read more about it here Note that it doesn't give any details about criteria... hence why I'm questioning whether I'll get it or not.
  15. flamearrows

    Australian Students Prize

    So, class of 2005. Anyone got the magic letter yet? I know I haven't...
  16. flamearrows

    16 Year olds doing the HSC

    I did my HSC at 16. Guess the UAI speaks for itself; there's really nothing particularly special about it. In fact, I'd recommend people who are accelerated TO GET BACK IN YOUR YEAR. That way you don't have to combine being an academic pariah with a social one; and talk about avoiding the...
  17. flamearrows


    Legal studies is basically not a very challenging course when you compare it to, say, extension one english, economics, chemistry etc. Most of the trouble people have with it is learning to direct your answers into particular categories - for example, if you're trying to evaluate whether x...
  18. flamearrows

    timetable help!

    You missed Torts.
  19. flamearrows

    2006 Subjects

    Commerce/Law Session I: Macroeconomics I Quantative Methods A Capital and Financial Markets Foundations of Law Session II: Microeconomics I Quantative Methods B Business Finance Torts
  20. flamearrows

    How accurate is SAM? 2005ers, please come in

    It's pretty damn good. SAM '04 gave me 99.95, JUAI gave me 100.00. I think the consensus is expect a little under the predicted, since the standard continues to increase each year. That's for HSC marks... using school marks is guessing of the worst variety. Though, it might give you...