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  1. R

    HSC ATAR Drinking Game

    Why aren't you here yet? (srs)
  2. R


    ^ I changed it to first and then sent an email asking. If they say I'm not going to get the scholarship I'll weigh up my choices before making a decision.
  3. R


    Wait... So I still have time to change?
  4. R


    Me too, but I didn't bother changing it... was waiting for ATARs. :cry: I really need that scholarship. :cry:
  5. R

    What Sub didnt count?

    Yeah, but Physics was really easy this year so it probably aligned really poorly. :/ Mine was Studies of Religion II, as expected, even though my teacher tried to convince me otherwise. :haha:
  6. R


    FUCK!!!! My first preference was MBBS. :cry:
  7. R


    Mine was my 3rd preference and I got an early offer, but not a scholarship and I got 94.75. So... pretty sure the cut off is 95... actually going to kill myself.
  8. R

    HSC ATAR Drinking Game

    So gay though. :P You will have to buy alcohol... Soz brah, I don't do shit like that twice sober. :/
  9. R

    HSC ATAR Drinking Game

    You can come over, bby, but no one else! Okay, so maybe Vinh, and Ann, and stuff too.
  10. R

    HSC ATAR Drinking Game

    Yeah... Ummm... I got 88 in Extension one and 78 in extension two... My teacher though I would get 98 in extension one and at least 85 in extension two... So, your fail does not compare to mine. May as well. My mum's gone for the night (but you people aren't coming here ever again).
  11. R

    Share your 2011 HSC results here

    ^Wow... 12 units of band 6/E4. Gun.
  12. R

    Facebook Timeline

    This. So, who here has changed to it so far? So that's when you joined. ;)
  13. R

    UNSW Info Day

    Might go. Depends who's going. I'm probably going to UWS for uni though. :/
  14. R

    Where are you going/What are you doing, brah?

    Where are you going/What are you doing, brah?
  15. R

    Yeah, I know, I'm pretty great, but I'm not sure how I'm going to afford it... My family is...

    Yeah, I know, I'm pretty great, but I'm not sure how I'm going to afford it... My family is poor. :/ and my parents are divorced. Ummm, like UWS probably, because my mum thinks it'll be shit travelling to UNSW for like 1.5 hours there and back everyday.
  16. R

    Ikr. So much neutral rep from newcomers trying to neg me too. Hahaha. Fanx brah, I didn't want...

    Ikr. So much neutral rep from newcomers trying to neg me too. Hahaha. Fanx brah, I didn't want Shadow to get gold before me. Embarrassment to my family, I would be.
  17. R

    Not good enough though. :/ Needed an E4 in MX2 to get into Science (adv Maffs) and I only got a...

    Not good enough though. :/ Needed an E4 in MX2 to get into Science (adv Maffs) and I only got a low E3, and I needed 95 to get a scholarship at UWS and I got 94.75. :cry: Like Adv Science, Med Science, stuff like that. I don't even know. :/
  18. R


    ^ Wanted to quit since I started working there nearly two years ago. :/
  19. R

    iRuler and Shadow keep negging me, bby. I'm only on 3935. Pretty sure I'm the new Minnai(sp?)...

    iRuler and Shadow keep negging me, bby. I'm only on 3935. Pretty sure I'm the new Minnai(sp?). Nevergold.