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  1. R

    Share your 2011 ATAR here

    This is how I see it. I got 94.75, but I didn't get my aim of 95 so I am more cut than people that got 80. And I'm really happy for everyone that got their aim, but upset with myself.
  2. R

    Year and school and pulling down marks...

    I got 91 in the chem exam and ended up with 87. Think about that. :/ Also, my school probably dropped like 100 ranks. Lol
  3. R

    Low scaling subjects

    My friend got on the honour roll and got 62. Hahahaha
  4. R

    ATAR Estimates - What do you think you'll get?

    :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: Why did you do this to me based god?! Also, I under performed for English and came =1st in my school in that exam. :haha: wot?
  5. R

    2012 HSC 1st assesment mark

    I got 88 in this last year. I got 88 exam mark in the HSC. Coincidence? I think not!
  6. R

    happy but want to kill myself?

    Wanted 95 ATAR minimum. Got 94.75. :/ Got 91 in chem exam but 83 in assessment because the cunts in my class screwed the exam. /kill me now
  7. R

    UNSW AAA Question

    Should've asked for AAA. Dying inside. :cry:
  8. R

    Is it true that you can't get over 98?

    Lol no. I got a band 5. Btw, top ATAR with standard was 99.55 this year.
  9. R

    For all those who got 90+ ATARS....

    Lol. I did barely anything. I was on fb 24/7, including in classes. I talked in most classes, and I didn't really pay attention. But, I did do past papers for chem throughout the year. So, do that. :) Also, do practice essays (unlike me).
  10. R

    Outfit of the Day

    Went to school to share shitty results and eat pizza, came home and put on my boxers though. Lol I forgot about that.
  11. R

    Outfit of the Day

    Hahaha. Shut up. Hahahaha Tiny penis? <3 we have to hang out. You know this, right? Where did you come from? /should've invited to results meat. :( Jesus. Bone her.
  12. R

    Outfit of the Day

    So gay. :P
  13. R

    Share your 2011 ATAR here

    Just saw who wrote this and loled. It doesn't do anything if you do med and I didn't want to take it from anyone else. :/ Cheers mate. Fingers crossed I came 5th in the school. I spent maximum of 1 hour every week and got 79. Still probs my second highest scaling subject. :) I know that feel. :/...
  14. R

    Share your 2011 ATAR here

    At my school you can ask for it if you are a high achiever. If no one asks then they nominate the highest achiever with preferences for UNSW
  15. R

    Share your 2011 ATAR here

    Some teachers favourably mark others. I should've come 2nd in chem, came =4th and got my 91 dragged down to 87 because the rest of my class did shit.
  16. R

    Share your 2011 ATAR here

    Because I don't wanna go to fuckin' UWS. Should've asked for the AAA scholarship. :/
  17. R

    Share your 2011 ATAR here

    Pretty sure I get 10 at UWS. :/
  18. R

    Most accurate ATAR calculator?

    If ATAR calculators were on the price is right they would all lose. :(
  19. R

    Share your 2011 ATAR here

    94.75 Estimated was 95.6-96.1 So disappointed. :/