Search results

  1. R

    Age Difference

    :cry: Wouldn't it be after? She likes older men. :cry: Lost all hope. :( Also, I know what's up. ;)
  2. R

    Would you abort a rape baby?

    Or whatever.
  3. R

    rankings :)

    1st in everything.
  4. R

    BOS confirms 2 answers for Q8

    Hahaha. Them making this error in the first place and admitting it is an error is a total joke. Automatic band 6s for everyone.
  5. R

    Age Difference

  6. R

    ily sooooe march babby! u dnt evan noe!

    ily sooooe march babby! u dnt evan noe!
  7. R

    Age Difference

    Not bad at all. I dated a 26 year old when I was 16. Didn't last long though. She was a bit clingy. Also, we had nothing in common, like, she had a full time job and shit and my life was school and friends. So yeah.
  8. R

    Your top 10 ultimate favourite books

    I've read like 10 books. Lol
  9. R

    Hi im an annoying high school student who cant figure anything out for myself

    Yeah, you're totally correct. At least that's what I think and if anyone thinks differently they get negged to hell.
  10. R

    Where my gays at?

    Oooohhhhh biter. She'll think what I tell her to think! I thought I said this ages ago. Should be common knowledge, everyone should always be thinking about me. Also, you guys spoke about me at the meat? Awks. Relevant: Five of my favourite words: 1. Cunt 2. Fuck 3. Shit 4. Faggot 5. Nigger
  11. R


    Skrillex. <3 Hahahaha.
  12. R

    Where my gays at?

    Why? Worst troll. Why? Most of them are just your average cunt. (well, not most) Did you kiss him for experimentation? The shit he wears on that fucking show makes me what to stab myself in the neck repeatedly. pillow bitter? I go to the movies all the time and I haven't found one. Except for...
  13. R

    Uncharted 3 sesh

    Nah, that's alright.
  14. R

    Are you Ugly?

    I pull them off. (not really. :() Cock goes down the leg, and yeah I have no ass. This.
  15. R

    Experienced, 3 STATE RANKS, 99.95 ATAR, 99 UMAT

    Fucking hell what a machine. Also, a state rank didn't count. That's hilarious.
  16. R

    Does the Burka restrict the freedom of women

    Oooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm a bit slow with these things. Wrong show. A++++++++ POAST!!!
  17. R

    Are you Ugly?

    Yeah, I can't do the splits in them. :( or at all