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  1. babylupin

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    i cannot stand Moulin Rouge....i just cannot...i hate it...
  2. babylupin

    Angel and BtVS

    Hi. i was wondering if anyone here was interested in these show...i'm betting there are becaus ei know buffy was huge (and still is). angel i didn't even hear of until about 3 months ago...and now i cannot get enough of it... i really want to see buffy, and was wondering if it was as good...
  3. babylupin

    Year 11 Workload

    yes i agree. for it to seem easy you would have to bludge, or you would have to be like a genius....i so agree there.... i foudn a huge difference with maths...i started doing three units....but i had to drop that....i foudn it hard, and time managem,ent with other subjects and work and...
  4. babylupin

    Channel Seven are bitches.

    my friends hate channel seven for taking Alias off the air....they went on a full rampage....
  5. babylupin


    i loved the episode dreams! it was the best man! it has significance to it, the menaing and the psychological effect of the gives as as viewers a deeper perspective on the characters and how even though they are in this terrible situation, they still manage to find a kind of happiness...
  6. babylupin

    What was the last CD you bought?

    i last bought Continuum - John Maye (love)
  7. babylupin

    harry potter help !!!!!!

    I woudl be more likely to use Harry Potter and teh Order fo the Pheonix for Imaginative journeysa for a harry potter text. The dreams and sense of legilimens and occlumency in the book that Voldemort is using to get ot harry is seen as imaginative. The whole thing with the ministry thinkgin...
  8. babylupin

    Cho Chang- Yay or Nay?

    i think i'm just aganist Cho as a character. She just pissed me off. She always seemed annoying becasue she was leading two guys on....i jsut don't like the character.... I do not liek Katie Leung...I think they could have done better...and the accent just complely threw me. She is...
  9. babylupin

    2007: What songs should i Sing

    I agree with Emma-Jayde. If you're doign country music, one coudl assume that is the type of voice you have. Go with your gut, ask you're music teacher what they think, or seeek help from local music teachers.
  10. babylupin

    Sara Bisel...Can anyone help please?

    thank you very much. I tried that Interpreting the Evidence book. IT is really good. Thank You. The assignment was due last Monday. We shoudl be getting it back soon. I shall let you people know. Thank you very much for everyone's help and input.
  11. babylupin


    Hi... just wondering if anyone is as obsessed with mash as me... :D bbylpn
  12. babylupin


    how good was it? yet dylan went pyscho! and poor stinga! and i cannot believe boyd...cheating on Genae (or however you spell her name)
  13. babylupin

    Fav Fictional Couple...

    Harry POtter - Ron and Hermione M*A*S*H - Hawkeye and Hot Lips :D 10 Things I hate about you - Mandela and Micheal! wait...Definately Patrick and Katrina...well i like the couples out of that Neighbours - Dylan and Sky
  14. babylupin

    Australian Endotherms and Ectotherms

    we haven't been issued with our textbooks again yet...stooopid teacher... it is an assessment for our Maintaing a Balance Topic...we have liek heaps fo random questions about thermoregulation and enzymes etc.
  15. babylupin

    Drop Dead Fred...any veiws?

    Hey y'all! :wave: Has anybody here seen the movie drop dead fred with Rik Mayall? I'm doing it for my Advanced assessment... i was curious as to whether anyone has seen it? bbylpn
  16. babylupin

    Sara Bisel...Can anyone help please?

    omg thank you!
  17. babylupin

    Is Music Extension HARD HARD! ???

    I agree. I couldn't compose if my life depended on it. That is why i am focusing on musicology. I don't think Music Extension is that hard - if you've got the drive and passion, you should wing it in! You'llbe right a rain if you really put your mind to it!
  18. babylupin

    AMEB Exams?

    *jaw drops* that sux...i really feel for you! Good luck! I'm sure you'll be fine!
  19. babylupin

    Favourite Movies.

    10 Things I hate about You Hp Movies Mel Brooks Films
  20. babylupin

    Sara Bisel...Can anyone help please?

    Okay, on of the questions on my ancient hostory assignment is: Evaluate the limitaions and reliability of evidence in relation to our inderstanding of Pompeuu and Herculanuem. You should not only consider pliny the Younger but also evidence of recent historians such as Sara Bisel and Haruldur...