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  1. babylupin

    Summary Syllabus

    is forensics a bad option? i really wanted to do it...but it doesn't sound that flash...judging by some people's veiws
  2. babylupin

    Ethanol as a Car Fuel

    What do you guys reckon? Personally, i think it is a fantastic idea. Whatever is better for the environment gets a big fat green tick in my book.
  3. babylupin

    Why do you read?

    I read because i love it it creeates a fantasy realm for excaspe purposes
  4. babylupin

    What are you currently Reading?

    Checkmate - Malorie Blackman
  5. babylupin

    Fave author?

    hmmm...that is tough... i would hav eot say david eddings...i also love the hp series so...jk as but at the moment i would say Aldous Huxley...i read Brave new world and i'm deperate to read anothwer one of his books
  6. babylupin

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    lol you'd be surprised what some people write about hp lol althoguh...i think that he is one person in the "extreme" catagory
  7. babylupin

    AMEB Exams?

    I have my Grade 5 clarinet in about 15 days....i think my pieces are scales are crap! My grade 5 piano i did in NZ with the ABRSM (associated Board of the Royal school of Music) and i managed to scrap a merit....135/180..... so nervous about scales
  8. babylupin

    Australian Endotherms and Ectotherms

    yes..but i cannot get definite answers....i tried...
  9. babylupin


    lol... carmella....and poppy or the teacher zeke has a crush on I want to know the results of the paternaty test... I wonder if sky's baby is Dylans'? I hope so...they are a cute couple...
  10. babylupin

    What attracts you?? In term of body

    well...i reckon a guy with a gorgeous know? when his face jsut completely lights up... good manners...nice not too muscly...not fussed with height.. i think blodne haired blued eyed guys are the best, Kyal Marsh...plays Boyd in...
  11. babylupin

    Australian Endotherms and Ectotherms

    Hey People. :wave: I'm new here, but i really woudl appreciate it if some one coudl help me. i have this biolody assignment, and i have some information, but it is not enough :confused: Okay, here's what i have to do: 1. Choose 2 Australian Endothermic and 2 Australian Ectothermic...