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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread 2014.

    its not happening cause its your fault and cause you're not there D: @amelops just saw you in fisher!
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread 2014.

    @passionxmusic @amelops gonna be at laneway tomorrow morning? @blue suede I'm only there like from 8:30-9:15!
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    Echo360 Method To Download Streamed Lecture Videos - HELP!

    Word. They're made so they you can't circumvent copyright measures. Like you said, its their intellectual property. You can't do much if they don't allow students to download it. Do you have anywhere to be early hours in the morning or late hours after uni? If not stay at uni and watch the...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread 2014.

    People think its good people don't think its good. Preferences. People like decent eggs at a decent price at a decent location will most likely like laneway. Some people think macbooks are great and some don't. Successful 15min mini-meat today!
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread 2014.

    I normally always eat at laneway either Monday or Friday morning maybe both. But.. Do you guys want a mini meat tomorrow morning at laneway? I'll be there around 830 and onwards. My tute starts at 11 so maybe we can chitchat?
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread 2014.

    @amleops I see you everywhere. I've seen you around carslaw and I saw you today at Laneway. I don't say Hi cause either I'm pre-occupied or eating (morning). I will endeavor to say hi to you next time.
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread 2014.

    JD is 3 years. I think its always been 3 years..... I hope you get a CSP place for it cause I just don't think its worth it on Fee-HELP.
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread 2014.

    Man.. the social division within uni is insane.
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    Semester 2 Meet! Week 1 or 2?

    Hard to say.. Looks like this sem might be hard organise. I can't do tomorrow but some people can so if you guys wanna meet up that's cool
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread 2014.

    so what you're say is that... YOU DONT EVEN GO HERE!? for now
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    Semester 2 Meet! Week 1 or 2?

    them mondays... anyone actually free on monday though? ._.
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread 2014.

    2nded! DO ET. anyone wanna meet up on friday afternoon? 2-5/6pm? Presentation this weds, THE NERVES. A shot of vodka and a can of redbull should fix things up!
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread 2014.

    Since no one has started one and amleops reminded us that we should've started one by now so here it is! Welcome to the students that started this semester and the returning students. May the stress begin! Important dates to remember: Semester 2 Lectures begin:............Monday 28 July...
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    Bachelor of Political, Economic and Social Science - advice needed

    But wouldn't it still be the case that if a student in arts did the exact same subjects as the student in BPESS they should both be looked upon equally? Like I said BPESS is just an honorary arts degree. The problem is that BPESS has those compulsory rules which I reckon restricts student...
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    Bachelor of Political, Economic and Social Science - advice needed

    As I've recommended many friends within the same majors doing the same subjects but different degree. Avoid BPESS, its an honorary Arts degree. Fancy name with greater limitation. In the end you can major in all the subjects in BPESS within Arts. You're effectively forced to do subjects that you...
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    Semester 2 Meet! Week 1 or 2?

    since blue is occupied and unable to organise it, I thought that I could step and help out. I don't really know how to do this but you guys generally get the idea. We'll have a poll and ect. People should reply whether they want it in week 1 or 2 and I can update this at the end of this...
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    Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 shot down

    While I'm not justifying the attack on KA7, the situations were quite different. Both sides fucked up, one was actually worried about its airspace and the other was a fuck up.
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    Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 shot down

    As someone that is a avid aviation hobbyist and an international relations student here's my 2c. It is an extremely sad day. There was nothing fundamentally wrong with the airspace in which MH17 travelling in even more so when all the other massive airlines also flew within the same airspace...
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    Carbon Tax Repealed

    Only $200?! Tonez promised $550 a year! While I think the carbon tax was a mess it was step towards the right direction. An ETS would have been effective but at the time the...
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    Carbon Tax Repealed

    ah yes. now i'll see the MASSIVE saving that I've been promised on my next energy bill right? RIGHT GUYS?!