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  1. beve

    Extension Mathematics: Induction

    Maybe, but our class has 4 people in it. So maybe it moves faster than other extension classes around. I still suck lol.
  2. beve

    Extension Mathematics: Induction

  3. beve

    Extension Mathematics: Induction

    Ive substituted it in but I don't understand how to get to the next part of it.
  4. beve

    Extension Mathematics: Induction

    This ones a bit too curly for my (lack of) mathematical abilities, one of the steps in the prove true for n=k+1 section is throwing me off so can someone take me from start to finish? 1/(1x2) + 1/(2x3) + 1/(3x4) ... + 1/n(n+1) = 1 - 1/(n+1)
  5. beve

    What album(s) did you listen to today?

    Narrow Stairs - Death Cab For Cutie Origin of Symmetry - Muse Holy Wood - Marilyn Manson The Dust of Retreat - Margot & The Nuclear So and So's.
  6. beve

    steroetyped bcoz of music?

    All of the above. =) Stereotyping people on music taste is lame. I have like.. an epic music collection, be it rap, rock, indie, electro, trance, breakbeat, punk... whatever goes. I despise country because... I know lots of people that listen to it and it gets monotonous reall quick. I...
  7. beve

    Your Top/worst Subject?

    Best: Advanced/Extension English Worst: Math Extension 1.
  8. beve

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    Bye to Extension 1 Math & Music 1, Hello to Extension 2 English and History Extension. Maybe... Who's done History Extension? How painful is it?
  9. beve

    Study buddies!

    I'm 300km from penrith... let alone Sydney itself =(
  10. beve

    The Musicians Thread.

    Well I did a forum search and couldn't find any topics like this so I thought I'd start one; surely theres going to be a few musos floating around here. What instrument can you play? What styles? Whats your hardest piece... etc. Discuss. =) Post pics of your gear and band myspaces too, if y'all...
  11. beve

    What's your motivation?

    why are we stereotyping anyhow? i don't believe your racial background defines how well you'll go at school, it's how well you study and apply yourself on a personal level.
  12. beve

    Taming of the Shrew help

    In Year 10 we did an appropriation/comparison study on The Taming of The Shrew versus 10 Things I Hate About You. Use that; it's too easy.
  13. beve

    What's your motivation?

    No.? I live out near Bathurst. In a tiny little school with tiny little resources and a tiny little range of subjects to pick from.
  14. beve

    school captain/prefects thoughts

    At ours we do something called Leaders of The Future; we do extra-curricular and organisational stuff for the school (open days, parent-teacher nights etc) and at the latter end of Term 3 we all make a speech to the school about our "leadership qualities" and the students & teachers vote on the...
  15. beve

    Bored of Studies blocked through NSW DET proxy?

    ...It annoyed me. It's not just my school is it?
  16. beve

    Differences between a good student and an Excellent student

    +3. Reading down the page I was about to post the same thing... And you beat me to it. Damn you.
  17. beve

    Chemistry; Tips on writing up practicals?

    Thank y'all.
  18. beve

    Chemistry; Tips on writing up practicals?

    Aiight; so i'm really trying to lift my game in this subject because i've realised that it's actually coming easily to me. My weakness lies in writing up practicals; any tips that people can offer? Detail is good... *puppy dog eyes...* lol.
  19. beve

    Best Albums of 2008.

    Bedlam In Goliath is *just 2008. Wax Simulacra came out in Late 07 though. Good album. I can play Goliath on the gee-tar. Hard shit.. lol. Mindless Self Indulgence - if Does It Offend You, Yeah? - You Have No Idea What You're Getting Yourself Into Pendulum - In Silico Mars Volta - The Bedlam In...